ShoutTrail: ProffVampy and ๐•อคอญอฅฬ‡๐•–๐•ฅ๐•šใ€‚(Yeti.)

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Aye, fingers crossed on both of those.

26177036 10215274775811609 2093060189 n
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itll give me the first bit of experience i need to work towards doing my doctorate so fingers crossed. and the love life isnt going so well xD had options but most of them are just...well...either wanting to go way too fast or not my type shall we say xD though i have my eyes on someone so we shall see if that pans out at all

Would that prospective gainful employment coincide with your doctorate studies?
Felicitations for the recent acquisition. How have your romantic endeavours fared?

26177036 10215274775811609 2093060189 n
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oh i might be over summer but hes really busy so it might not happen. also depends if i manage to get a decen job or not :/ so nstead treating myself to a new car

Managing studies, procrastination, self deprecation, more procrastination and sleep. Or kinda mismanaging.

I thought you intended to visit your brother? Has that changed?

26177036 10215274775811609 2093060189 n
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i just closed the tab and forgot to reopen it xD ive still been here plugging away at uni work. not sure what my travels will be as plans keep changing :( how have you been?


Kept busy by uni work? Or has the semester ended, and you've already gone travelling?

26177036 10215274775811609 2093060189 n
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yes ill get there. does take me a little while unless i feel comfortable with a person. though i suppose it depends, some stuff im very open about

Glad you've managed to open up somewhat.

26177036 10215274775811609 2093060189 n
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went pretty well. explain to her the issues im having, night terrors, frustration with grades and such. she talks a bit too much but shes good, we get on well and have a laugh

26177036 10215274775811609 2093060189 n
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every 2 weeks atm, had one yday

How often are the therapy sessions scheduled?

26177036 10215274775811609 2093060189 n
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well if i get the right grades in this semester i can still come away with the level of degree i want so fingers crossed. if not i could redo the last year but im not sure its worth another ยฃ9k when ill still have a good degree just not the overall grade i wanted. we shall see how it goes

I was referring to retaking the course in another semester; are these the same assignments which you ameliorate, or new ones to write? Seems odd to me not to permit corrections for a large piece of work, when things like peer review and revisions are standard.

26177036 10215274775811609 2093060189 n
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annoyingly i cant i didnt fail no retakes and i do still have time to make up the grades its just sooo frustrating when you work so hard.

Yeah, don't worry about it. He has a few loyal followers and claimed he always tries to read everything sent, but when feeling overwhelmed tends to shut out everyone. I'd say merely offering assistance where relevant may be the most that can be done under the circumstances.

Don't forget that grades aren't the only way to impress people outside the academy. As a last resort you could retake a course and void the first - in my attempts, noticed some nuances and better aimed towards the professors' intentions.
I've recently chatted with an individual who is balancing his hons studies with a full time job & family; stated that when things get rough, family trumps work and work trumps studies, figuring they can always be postponed or cancelled. Not that it's super efficient or anything, however suppose there's some proportion in a lifetime scale.

26177036 10215274775811609 2093060189 n
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cant help much if your firend doesnt reply to the comments xD other people have joined the discussion too

26177036 10215274775811609 2093060189 n
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managed to get it to work. email came through :) have a read if you want, not sure how helpful it is but asked questions so i can be more helpful

Odd, did you try posting as a guest?

26177036 10215274775811609 2093060189 n
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its not letting me post a reply :/ and the email to confirm my account doesnt want to come through either

Aye, I've seen your recent posts... admittedly, didn't really know what to say, but I reckoned helping someone in a slightly similar situation may help your own. :)

26177036 10215274775811609 2093060189 n
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busy yes, dispirited yes, anything no. ive had a read through and ill post a comment on there. meant to be working on mine but i cant get my head in the right zone at all. my most recent post and the comments may help explain why...but happy to help :)

Hey vampy,

This is sort of a weird request, but do you have some tips for what this fellow's writing about in, for a dissertation?
If you're not too busy or dispirited or anything.

Ahh, you refer to yourself, 'fcourse.
Would be quite the intriguing situation: employed in two places, one as a prescriber and the other as distributor. Not that psychologists can prescribe, already established that. Hmm, or rather, have both degrees and become the Master of Therapy!

26177036 10215274775811609 2093060189 n
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indeed, i have an apothecary who supplies me with everything i need :P

Well, I wasn't 100% sure - you'd probably enjoy the irony in dimethylmercury with its effects on the brain, but then it's slow acting and you need more oomph than addlement over a few months time, so a refined mixologist such as yourself would know that's the next best thing.

26177036 10215274775811609 2093060189 n
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ahahah damn how did you know my special cocktail recipe?

I'm all for it, as long as your drink isn't accidentally comprised of battery acid and cyanide (this time). :)

26177036 10215274775811609 2093060189 n
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so a psychiatrist has a medical degree and then specialises in mental health and psychology and can do stuff like prescribe medicine. a psychologist doesnt have the medical degree and so only offers treatment but is much more specialised in one fields.

hasnt replied on the message and i havent seen him either xD its not looking good. next time i see him out in town i might accidentily spill a drink on him ๐Ÿ˜€

Apparently 7yrs here include one of internship - both the masters & doc studies covered in 3yrs prior. Not sure how the distinction betwixt psychologists & psychiatrists affects this route, since the former necessitate only masters as far as I recall.

You mean, he hasn't replied in person or to a text message? Don't despair, takes time to perceive hidden defects. You have time, and in a way it's a practical learning experience. Mayhap not of much consolation emotionally, but... know you're not alone.

26177036 10215274775811609 2093060189 n
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from what i know he just went travelling and in search of new species of butterfly in found them somewhere in africa.

the whole training process is about 7years, 3uear undergrad, 1 year masters and 3 year doctorate. but usually you have to do work experience within the clinical field before you can do the doctorate so its a bit different.

and no i only decided i wante to go into psychology the year before i started my degree! haddnt even studied it before then.

and they've been ok..though i actually found what i thought was a nice guy and had seen him a few times. let him know that i quite liked him and that i wasnt sure what he was looking for but im interested and he just hasnt bothered to reply to me! clearly not as nice as i thought he was....

Ah, indeed, these erstwhile tales are really something. And a butterfly farm(?) is a lovely sight to behold. Have been to one in thailand, and happened to film a mating "tornado" on another occasion.

What you state is true here as well, for a bachelor or master's degree, yet doctorate is something of a leap not as certain. Hmm, now that I think of it, in the medical profession it's actually the standard, a 7 year doc course, so psychology's the same? Were you always aiming for this vocation?

I wish you luck in that objective.
How have things been faring of late?

26177036 10215274775811609 2093060189 n
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oh i have no idea what he really does apparently the butterflies are just a hobby?! but it would be interestesting to meet him as the only other member of the family thats committe that far to education and see how times have changed from when he was doing it all 40+ years ago!

And over here uni is just the done thing. though i took a much longer, world experiencing course to get here! my mum went to uni as did one of my brothers so its not that i had no insirpation at home. But now in this country if you dont have a degree unless youre very very lucky or just dont need one for your vocation then you wont get anywhere.

then ofcourse im just stubborn so if im going to start psychology i will get as far as i can in that field so the first step in that is aiming to be Dr ProffVampy :P or Prof. ProffVampy xD

Perhaps not. Still, it is a stark reminder of mortality.

Do you seek to learn about his research, or academics in general? Sounds pretty distant from your own field. Save for animal psychology if that's his forte.

Actually, I'm not sure I've ever asked this before... when did your intrigue with higher education begin? As far as I recall, the only reasons for it in others were as a requirement (ie salary) or recommendation, so if you haven't had any such inspiration in the family, there must be some intriguing tale, hmm?

26177036 10215274775811609 2093060189 n
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it wasnt so bad. i wasnt very close to my grandad so while it was sad it couldve been alot worse.

i really want to meet my dads counsin as hes the only other dr in the family! he's discovered various butterflies...


Hum, a funeral at 16... same as my dear grandfather's demise. I'm sorry you've had to go through that.
Both my parents have quite a strong affiliation towards their family: my mother on a personal level, sorta savant in remembering her side's stories; my father interested in ancestry, connecting with distant relatives abroad. I don't feel like I belong with either, having shared no past together and few common interests.

26177036 10215274775811609 2093060189 n
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where are you from then? and i havent even met most of my extended family! met a few at a funeral when i was 16 but it was so long ago and not the best time to make new friends....

You as well.
It isn't really celebrated here (beside the tri-festival which we haven't attended in years), but I could prolly say it was a blast dodging it. Gathering couple weeks ago and wedding yesterday bore more than enough familial interactions for a while.

26177036 10215274775811609 2093060189 n
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Thank you yeti :) hope you had a good christmas

Well, it's like sleuthing through one of agatha christie's crime mysteries, in a way. Except the crime is plagiarism and there's no mystery about it. ๐Ÿ”

Nonetheless, it's never been my cup of tea. Despite being a solid method of discovering & memorising the perceived truth, more partial to some radical concepts.

26177036 10215274775811609 2093060189 n
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yeh its just having to go through all the sodding articles compare and contract them etc its a massive pain

Oh noo... I mean, alright. Surely there's sufficient data to spam a couple thousand words, right.

26177036 10215274775811609 2093060189 n
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oh god i havent xD today im finding articles and writing a 3k word lit review, ive so far done a 700word intro and emailed myself the articles. need to pop to uni to print them off and then going to see starwars this evening! woop woop

Okay. Just don't forget your busy busy busy schedule. :)

26177036 10215274775811609 2093060189 n
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i shall try and get a pic of my baking skill up xD and i do feed it to others but it tastes good so i want some too :P

If it's a technical issue, you can upload images to an external site (such as tinypic, there was a post of alternatives) and paste the direct link (eg h-ttp:// anywhere, be it a post or your profile, which will embed it automatically.

I remember your preference to social interactions, but don't have any precise examples there due to avoiding them, personally. Except maybe that the secret to baking & staying thin is feeding your creations to others.

No matter, at least you've regained some familiarity with the experience.

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