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Hello, HelpQA~~I was a member of the original years ago and a member of the QA as well.

written () ago

I've been very busy in life, but thought that I'd come back home for a visit here on HelpQA.

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Cara's Top (1) Replies by other users' votes
I need help.

Whassssup, Doc? We're all here knocking at your door. And we have all felt a little crazy sometimes. It happens from time to time just to remind us that we are all Human.

- written - voted for by DocteurRalph
Last 5 Replies - All 9 Replies ยป
I need help.

Whassssup, Doc? We're all here knocking at your door. And we have all felt a little crazy sometimes. It happens from time to time just to remind us that we are all Human.

- written
Hello, HelpQA~~I was a member of the original years ago and a member of the QA as well.

Hmm...Now why did my reply come up as Anon? A glitch in the matrix, i

- written

Well, hello there! Just stopping by to see whats been what on HELP. And Happy August 11 to YOU!!! :)

- written
3 times having covid left me disabled with bad lungs.

Oh, Robbie!! You said that you had this thing three times??? Oh jeeze...Please rest up and I hope that you get over this!!

Take care of you, luv....Cara

- written
3 times having covid left me disabled with bad lungs.

Robbie, I had a really bad time with covid.
That was around Christmas time, and I'm still not 100% yet.
Alot of rest has helped, and staying away from crowds.
I don't know where this **** started, but it sure has changed our lives totally......

- written
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