221 replies, Replies 211 to 220

Hey, anyone remember this bitch?

Hey pepper! Glad to see your still watching

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Not sure if anyone is interested but the original Help started in 1999.

I agree even if that means I go

- written
Not sure if anyone is interested but the original Help started in 1999.

Like I said once cbs bought it we died

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Hey, anyone remember this bitch?

All I know is when I put my email in my old pic came up

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Hey, anyone remember this bitch?

Yeah well Iโ€™m a star worthy person

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Hey, anyone remember this bitch?

well all i know is when i signed up it had my same profile pic as before which is good

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Not sure about this

ask who? rocco?

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Not sure about this

about why you get a star and I don't

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Hey, anyone remember this bitch?

hahhaha figured you would

- written
Not sure if anyone is interested but the original Help started in 1999.

****fuck I got money now, I'll help if only it goes anywhere, because when cbs took over it sucked

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