ShoutTrail: danihatesyou and Rockster160

Just a simple "Hello", "Thanks", or chat! Back to Rockster160's profile...

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Great idea. ๐Ÿ˜„ Didn't even cross my mind. Haha.

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A refresh all button for the notices would be cool, instead of clicking everyone to get rid of notices. ;)

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Yep! But only pages that are publicly accessible. So most of the account stuff I had to just wing. And nothing that moderators saw or did was kept, so I just had to guess on all of that stuff. Been cleaning it up as more info is gathered. Fract has been talking to me about the Audit page/stuff, so that's going to be the next big thing.

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That would be awesome!
Luckily he took a few screenshots of the mod tools from way back when, so that's super useful!

Most of the post/reply mod tools are the same as you might remember. User operations are on their respective pages, which he said was different. Been winging it so far. ๐Ÿ˜„

(And you shouted yourself. I feel like that's an integral part of the experience.)

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Hey Dani!
Just made you a mod. Glad to have you back!

You'll notice the mod tools are much less than they used to be. This is about 90% because I had no idea what mod tools are available. I've been chatting with Fractal Scatter to try to make the tools again, but until then it's pretty much just basic marking posts/comments as adult and all of that.

I've got a big list of stuff to do, but if there is anything you miss, please let me know and I'll do what I can to get it implemented.

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