
Just an outdoorsy guy

Where did you grow up?

Midwest, USA

Where do you live now?

Midwest, USA

What is the highest level of education you have attained?


What hobbies are you into?

Energy and production of it

What causes are you concerned about today?

Mother Earth

If you claim a political party affiliation, which is it?

Green Party

Which religion (if any) do you follow?

There are no religions, only dogma

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I guess I don't understand, it seems like a family reunion here, but there are very few members,what am I missing?

written () ago

Is this a gig from the past? Did the internet police shut something down previously? I have a family and a good job, should I be concerned? My wife is even more a public figure than most people in our life and I worry because helping others is what we do and to do that we need anonymity, is that truly possible here?

Is this site to help each of us or are we here to help others?

written () ago

Or by involving our lives with others are we expanding the global conscienceness? I'm not quite aware of the inner workings here, I just feel a need to assist others. Can any of you clarify please?

So how does this work?

written () ago

I need some help I suppose.

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brerrabbit's Top (1) Replies by other users' votes
Does anyone have a way to get in touch with Kitty?

Could you try here kitty kitty?

Sorry, just kidding..

- written - voted for by sophieshizuko
Last 5 Replies - All 7 Replies ยป
Most of you know Iโ€™m not much a drinker.

I think you are mixing alcohol and liqueur and you should not. The liqueurs contain a large dose of alcohol by volume and the lagers or beers do not, but they can each intensify the other in the wrong proportions causing alcohol poisoning. Especially if you are older and your liver and kidneys are not in peak condition.

- written
Most of you know Iโ€™m not much a drinker.

It sounds like you have an allergic reaction to certain types of alcohol. Do you know the types you have been drinking that cause the problems? There are many different types, look at it like this, malts usually will contain hops or barley or both. Some beers are made with rice. Some contain other types of fermented grains like rye. Experiment a little.. go out and drink only one type of alcoholic beverage, do no mix them with anything else, if you get the shakes when you revive your body and want to try again sample another type of alcohol. In this manner you will determine if you have an allergic reaction to specific types.

- written
I guess I don't understand, it seems like a family reunion here, but there are very few members,what am I missing?

Thank you Nixx, that helps with the original question

- written
I guess I don't understand, it seems like a family reunion here, but there are very few members,what am I missing?

I am not anon here, you have all my info and my email. I just want to understand the workings here.

- written
Is this site to help each of us or are we here to help others?

Good lord, I'm going to bed people, maybe someone will be around by next weekend to help with the questions..

- written