266 replies, Replies 41 to 50

So, I have a date set for my medical and interview to become a Military Officer with the cadets.

Good for you and good for them. Congrads:)

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Why does the app for my robot vacuum cleaner need access to my photos and contacts?

Selling or analyzing your data is what they do.

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I passed the exams I'm going back to Uni!

Good job!

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Why does the app for my robot vacuum cleaner need access to my photos and contacts?

lol..they call their leader "nest".

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Gift card guilt.

lol...been there Al.
I was in a USA airport starving from a crappy 12 hour flight and tried to buy a bag of chips and was short a nickle and he wouldn't take a Canadian nickle. I ate the *******fucking things in front of him! A customer paid for them for me..nice people are out there.
Sorry we highjacked your post.

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Gift card guilt.

No you'll be fine. That' what they do...all the time.

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So...All in all my new boss is cool except...

Keep your head down and fly under the radar. Don't over think this as it's going to get a little interesting. Your boss is pushing the performance bar and you don't want to be the example. Avoid without being detected.

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post closed post closed Thanks.

Jebus-Zeus wrote:
im friends with courtney on fb, im pretty sure aks was mera/mas/ a thousand other personalities ... is prolly already here under another of thier multiple dysfunctional personalities.

Really. I didn't know that.
Mas1's or Marie was Mera?
There was some account hacking going on back then.
Screwed up my email mail and a facebook account.

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oh lord, this site layout brings back some memories!

Now if we could find Mas..(Marie) we would be close to complete.

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oh lord, this site layout brings back some memories!

[‌quote Rockster160]
Now we're cooking buddy! Agrape! Is in the building!

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