392 replies, Replies 351 to 360


Hey al. Blessings

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Hi ..


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I gave up on giving up.

Hey. Whats up

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I donโ€™t know what to do anymore.

What.. your posts suggests different than your response.
Im confused. The post suggests you are a mess. Your latest response contradicts that.

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I donโ€™t know what to do anymore.

I can offer you help but it wont be easy and you probably will resent me for it .
If your up for a transformation of your lifw for the positive and would be wiling to work hard and make major changes. Give me a shout

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So, I'm looking for an editor for my second book and I was wondering if someone here might be interested?


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So, I'm looking for an editor for my second book and I was wondering if someone here might be interested?

Why use an editor when you already are an editor for a local paper??

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It is to no ones credit or ego to feel an intellectual edge when living in a dumbed down society.


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Colours Descending

Great poem

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once a black person said to me, you were born white, that's like winning the lottery, i thought about it and said to them, i didn't get the money.

Smiley its a class not a skin color. There are people who are priviledged. Some of those people worked really hard to get to that status. Lets be real .oprea winfry is a hell of a lot priviledged than me or any other person That is part of my circle.
She has privilidge. Maybe she deserves it because of the extrodinary amount of hard work she put into her craft.
I feel real insulted when Im called white privilidge.I was raised really poor. I dont want any more rights than any other human. White privilrdge is insulting to white folk especialy in appalacia who are some of the poorest people in the usa and there white. The word is very devisive and ugly and continurs to separate people.
We need to bring us together.
Instagating peoples races is counter productive to healing.
The media love this. They eat it up. They love keeping all the races hating each other.ratings.....
Anyway I like what you said smiley. Blessings to every human. All races.

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