ShoutTrail: pinocchiothepuppet and Padre_J_Roulston

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Pin zpsnvl44m6p
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I thought about what you said, I think I know now what I wasn't understanding. Whew! That would have been disturbing o.o

16935743 1750032141977429 1455532587 o
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As far as I know the site isn't deleting any posts.

I know I haven't been deleting posts other than those ones without words put up by bots...

Perhaps contact Rocco and see what he has to say. He is able to see a lot of things that I can't.

Pin zpsnvl44m6p
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Is the site deleting my posts now?

Some newer posts are missing but I still see some posts that were made before them.

I won't hang out on a site that deletes what I try to say. If something has broken the rules you should let me know first and we can correct it.

But to arbitrarily delete posts that have been up for weeks?

I won't stay here and let you do that to me.

16935743 1750032141977429 1455532587 o
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Thank you. :)

Pin zpsnvl44m6p
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HI. I really hope you feel better. I know depression is serious. Kick its butt!

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