ShoutTrail: ๐•อคอญอฅฬ‡๐•–๐•ฅ๐•šใ€‚(Yeti.) and DocteurRalph

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I concur. Hope she's got other difficulties straightened out as well.

Dr. ralph club zps9ornptsl
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Hey at least she's not a starving artist like most. She got a job as an art teacher that actually sounds like fun. I think art and music were the only classes I liked in school!

Dr. ralph club zps9ornptsl
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Thanks man..

That's cool. Seems to take more of an unusual / charismatic character than pure talent to make it in the music business nowadays, maybe in the past as well. Nevertheless, I think it's more important what you make of it, and how you feel about it; got some similar family friends - of their three children, one's a pianist, dancer & singer, one "mediocre" (purportedly) guitarist in a band; lately, they teamed up to perform for the mother's bday, which was quite nice. Coming from a jewish family, the ability to play is half stereotypical, so lacking any talent for it meself is a shame, in that I cannot create anything.
Point is! glad you're still enjoying playing, that's a great gift.

Were you also goaded in the direction of healthcare studies, then?

Dr. ralph club zps9ornptsl
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I have 4 guitars. A chinese Strat and the Epiphone Les Paul and two acoustics. My family was very musical my mom majored in Music Theory or some ****shit in college. Really she majored in marrying a doctor but she had to take classes while she was singing and looking good. I was forced into taking classical piano lessons when I was about 7 or 8 like my sister. She can sit down and play anything on a piano now. I got to quit when I was in 4th grade because there was a guitar in the house and I started playing it. I thought I could play really well until I moved to Nashville which is the country music capital of the world and there were 5 guy in every dive bar that could play better than I could. It's a tough business.

Awesome, enough to constitute a collection? Is there any story behind how you learned to play?
Good luck on the hunt.
Fool me they did not, I've always known you'd outlast all of us!

Dr. ralph club zps9ornptsl
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Hell yeah I was playing it last night. And now there is an acoustic next to it. I should have said there are more guitars, not guns. And I'm going deer hunting this afternoon, I still play with my guns too. I'm not slowing down anytime soon, don't let the gray hair fool you. There's snow on the roof but there's still a fire in the furnace.


Do you still play it, though?

Dr. ralph club zps9ornptsl
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And I will be drinking one of those Coors beer shortly after noon.

Dr. ralph club zps9ornptsl
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I'm sitting in that chair right now. Coffee has replaced the beer but the guitar and guns have remained the same. Well maybe there are more guns, lol.

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