ShoutTrail: Pianoman91894 and ๐•อคอญอฅฬ‡๐•–๐•ฅ๐•šใ€‚(Yeti.)

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Haven't been to any american academic institutions - not much of a basis for comparison. So, the term's finals period is usually since mid dec, and a week early there?

They name the fires yonder, huh... Too rare for that here. Pleased to know you're unharmed, nevertheless.
Was talking about one ~2yrs ago. There aren't many clusters of trees in proximity of residential areas, couldn't really spread save for the buildings which do have some standard issue equipment. Just a few weeks prior, staring to the horizon, a colleague had mentioned a pine forest ~5km away was a fire hazard waiting to combust, which made it memorable.

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Only because of the warning above the text box tbh, otherwise I probably would've done just that.

Well, exams have sort of started. The Japanese department starts their exams a week ahead of time because their finals usually consist of 5 or 6 individual exams/presentations/essays/etc.

The Lilac Fire was the closest to me, but even that was a good 30 miles away or so. That being said, we were still very much on our toes down here. I was here for the 2003 Cedar Fire, and if I'm honest it left me a bit scarred, so the tension last week was killer.
I didn't know you were around the fires, unless they were separate altogether? Glad to hear you got off with just some smelly charred pines.

Gotcha, well hopefully when something interesting does happen, it's good interesting things.

Well, I wouldn't say all - you've successfully avoided shouting yourself. :P
Oh, so the exams have already started? How do you feel you did?
Were the fires close to your building? Any alarms going off? There was one which burned a few pines nigh workplace (blasted things planted everywhere round here), fortunately had been away that day yet informed it kinda screwed up the day (and left a lingering smell).

Nothing special, may take a while till something happens.

Fc10f94f 7dc4 44b7 9df0 7f05af2bf2d2
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Oh god, forgot all about shouts, hahaha.

The week was busy. Prepping for finals right now, and it's just one Japanese exam after another at the moment. We had the fires this week too, which was freaky.

How was yours??

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