Drawn log viking 19
last online: 09/26, 2:43
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So tired, so awake.


Sworn to never return here, to never look back.
Withering within the shell of a man. Left to deal with desire, with grief with pain.
The volatile reality of a broken mind, insane.

A legion within a prison of flesh, my bones my bars. My heart my mind a prison, condemned to life.
Unable to live unable to die, unable to scream unable to cry. Sleeping as the days pass me by.
Tasting love only to leave the irony taste of blood.

Stoic, unable to release the flood to set me free.
Unable to ever let go, to ever let myself be.
Sworn never to return here, before losing all i held dear.
This past eighteen months of mourning and death.

Losing she who gave birth to this body holding me.
Losing my mind while grasping my face unmasked.
None must see the terror i hide, none must see the grief.
Non must bare witness to the moment i lost my belief.

Only to fall in love with what i fear, holding someone damaged beyond repair yet someone i hold dear.
Why is this sh*t turning into a bloody rhyme?
When murder was in the wake, and she asked me if i would be so kind to end her life and then disregard mine?

And thus i return, breaking the promise i made myself.
Again nameless, again hoping only to help others here. To redeem myself by comforting others in their troubles and fears, however uncanny.
Call us Legion. For we are many.

Well... this last year certainly sucked severely.
How has everyone been?

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Since writing this post Legion may have helped people, but has not within the last four (4) days.
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life, mind, return, legion, unable
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Legion edited this post .

So tired, so awake. (Poem)¬ ¬ Sworn to never return here, to never look back.¬ Withering within the shell of a man. Left to deal with desire, with grief with pain.¬ The volatile reality of a broken mind, insane.¬ ¬ A legion within a prison of flesh, my bones my bars. My heart my mind a prison, condemned to life.¬ Unable to live unable to die, unable to scream unable to cry. Sleeping as the days pass me by.¬ Tasting love only to leave the irony taste of blood.¬ ¬ Stoic, unable to release the flood to set me free.¬ Unable to ever let go, to ever let myself be.¬ SwordSworn never to return here, before losing all i held dear.¬ This past eighteen months of mourning and death.¬ ¬ Losing she who gave birth to this body holding me.¬ Losing my mind while grasping my face unmasked.¬ None must see the terror i hide, none must see the grief.¬ Non must bare witness to the moment i lost my belief.¬ ¬ Only to fall in love with what i fear, holding someone damaged beyond repair yet someone i hold dear.¬ Why is this sh*t turning into a bloody rhyme?¬ When murder was in the wake, and she asked me if i would be so kind to end her life and then disregard mine?¬ ¬ And thus i return, breaking the promise i made myself.¬ Again nameless, again hoping only to help others here. To redeem myself by comforting others in their troubles and fears, however uncanny.¬ Call us legion. For we are many.¬ ¬ Well... this last year certainly sucked severely.¬ How has everyone been?

Legion edited this post .

So tired, so awake. (Poem)¬ ¬ Sworn to never return here, to never look back.¬ Withering within the shell of a man. Left to deal with desire, with grief with pain.¬ The volatile reality of a broken mind, insane.¬ ¬ A legion within a prison of flesh, my bones my bars. My heart my mind a prison, condemned to life.¬ Unable to live unable to die, unable to scream unable to cry. Sleeping as the days pass me by.¬ Tasting love only to leave the irony taste of blood.¬ ¬ Stoic, unable to release the flood to set me free.¬ Unable to ever let go, to ever let myself be.¬ Sworn never to return here, before losing all i held dear.¬ This past eighteen months of mourning and death.¬ ¬ Losing she who gave birth to this body holding me.¬ Losing my mind while grasping my face unmasked.¬ None must see the terror i hide, none must see the grief.¬ Non must bare witness to the moment i lost my belief.¬ ¬ Only to fall in love with what i fear, holding someone damaged beyond repair yet someone i hold dear.¬ Why is this sh*t turning into a bloody rhyme?¬ When murder was in the wake, and she asked me if i would be so kind to end her life and then disregard mine?¬ ¬ And thus i return, breaking the promise i made myself.¬ Again nameless, again hoping only to help others here. To redeem myself by comforting others in their troubles and fears, however uncanny.¬ Call us legionLegion. For we are many.¬ ¬ Well... this last year certainly sucked severely.¬ How has everyone been?

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