20181121 142229
last online: 01/07, 18:55
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Hatred Diary II - PD

..'You are not important'

you have broken me.. to billion pieces
so cute, so hard you tried.. at the beginning

then once trapped in love with you.. i was not important anymore

lies, pretence, and information withheld.. abandoned and nameless
that was all left of me.. alone sleepless nights & overeating

crushed and not copying.. the emotional pain was debilitating

addicted to you i came back.. you let me beg
broken and anxious.. panic attack got the better out of me

all what's left is the BLAME

having not given me any time to spend with you.. crudely asked to stay together million miles apart
no touch.. no kiss.. no face.. no smell.. no care

no care what dreams and hopes i might have had.. for us
no care to say im sorry you don't get to see me.. anymore
no care to say im sorry.. i lied
no care to say.. goodbye
no care at all

humble.. i thought you were.. but no more

let dead burry dead

<< your nameless fool >>








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Since writing this post Cregyn may have helped people, but has not within the last four (4) days.
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anymore, care, dead, fbcdn, nameless
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last online: 01/25, 20:20
Verified User (7 years, 4 months)
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(5 months after post)
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Of course it's been a while since you made this Post - I'm sorry no one else has responded to it.
The links you provide say I do not have permission to view the page, so I'm assuming one must have exclusive invites to do so.
No matter.
Just so you know, it wasn't that long ago that I was sent on a ride that left me feeling the same as you.
It sucks, but what can you do? Try again? Give up altogether? Either choice is reasonable.
Better chances on your next roundabout if you decide to try again. Everyone deserves to be happy (or at least not so miserable).

20181121 142229
(6 months after post)
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Oh, thank you, @BA1 xx

i don't know what happened to the links, and honestly I don't remember what they were exactly.. I can't view them now either. Something along the lines of narcissists and freedom after dating them.

And thank you, i just needed to get the pain out of me..
Sorry, you had a similar experience lately :(

I hope i won't fall for another narcissist ever again.. but that never ever worked with me; so probably i'll be pouring my pain out some time again. But wish you all the best, and hope you will have that 'happily ever after' soon.. x

I'm a loner, but stupidly always think that im not and try again..

PS: Hope this one works - https://englishbookgeorgia.com/blogebg/wp-conte...

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