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This is so wrong

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Jetmoo edited this post .

This is so wrong ¬ ¬¬ ¬

last online: 01/25, 20:20
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(5 hours after post)
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It's called "Genetic Alchemy."

This is a term I invented, myself.

This involves the very war on mankind which has been on-going for thousands of years.

We do not live in the most technologically advanced age that has ever existed, when in fact, we are a mere shadow of it.

last online: 05/14, 23:04
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(10 hours after post)
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It would be intresting to hear your take on artificial intelligence.
It seems we are teal close to a true A.I.

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(11 hours after post)
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I find it disturbing

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But in trying to keep in mind that this world is not forever. Not as we know it. I believe there is more to life than this. I believe in God Jehovah and he'll make it alright again.

All the animals are dying out. And id felt sad and unhappy. But now i dont have to feel that way cos in the new world i will see them all again. Hoping I get in.

I truely believe the time is coming closer to the end. I think i will have children in the next life and not this one. There is no hope for this life time

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I honestly feel that life is.. almost a waste of time. Cos the world is not even suitable for myself let alone children. Ive always wanted a child but not to put them through this. There is no hope for the youth.. go to school to go get a job working as a slave. And lack of education to become nurses and other jobs means the rich will be the ones in control. Whilst the poor lack the education to help themselves.

Education made expensive. I sure hope the UK picks up after the election. But i have to always keep in mind that either way it is all going down hill. Even labour want to offer free WiFi everywhere. No doubt 5G everywhere. In our NHS and the ambulances. Will be making people feel so much more unwell and aggitated and they will not even know why

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People are supposed to die. This to me is people trying to laugh at god that they wont die as if they are smarter. And that God wont win.

But people will not win. And we will all die one day. God cant be beaten.

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There is little reason to "be" in this world now. And im coming to understand why jehovahs witnesses go door knocking.

Because ambition seems a waste of time now. U cant get a good paid job. And children wont have a future in this life time. They are working hard at school for what seems no reason.

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AI is a step toward slavery so the elite can take over. Just imagine protests and robot people smashing the people up. No one will protest. People will love in fear n oppression worse than now.

In china they can only use cards now n cant buy with money. The elite will have full control.

One person in uk got arressted cos his phone battery died which had his train ticket on. 3 policemen hand cuffed him until eventually he was allowef to charge his phone n shos them n they let him go

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They said the titanic wouldnt sink. They will say AI is flawless and when faults arise, the people will be blamed and accused. In the same way as vaccine injuries

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What is your take? @Gone

last online: 05/14, 23:04
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(13 hours after post)
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I couldnt have said it any better.
I hope you will allow me to send you my album called beginnings. Its a concept album addressing everything you just mentioned.
The use of chemical slavery. Ie.big pharma has everyone complacent and in a stuber by designn is no accident.
Floride in the water???mercury in vaccines?? This is plain evil doings.
You realise the happy pills everyone seems to want. Ie prozac cost 1600 dollars for a 3 week supply and uses floride as its main active ingredient. Floride as you know was used by hitler in nazi germany.
It rots the brain from the inside out.
The happy pills you fork over sll your money to the evil big pharma is destroying your brain and putting you in a stuber while the tri lateral commision is manipulating society to devalue life and have us fighting amongst ourselves while they slip in a one world government.
Thats when the mark of the beast will be revealed and the true antichrist will come out to own the earth.
Right now we are being manipulated by an evil so ugly and well thought out to make good look like the enemy.
Its a well crafted diabolical plan. Its working.
They the trilatetal commision has every possible scenario covered.
The only hope we really have is for the world to truly wake up and turn to love. Call it God. Love. But most of the world is sleeping. They took the bait like a run away train.

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(13 hours after post)
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Its always amazing when u find someone who is on the same level!

last online: 05/14, 23:04
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(13 hours after post)
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The amount of times ppl try n eat me up for exposing truth. Good disguised as the enermy is sure right.

What do u think of wars? I think theyre wrong and all about money and greed

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I wonder what sertaline has in it. Its rather hard to come back off now though..

Oh the cd. Yeah that would be nice. Thank you. Im still wanting to get a little cd player in my room but one day i might be able to listen to it. Im stuck in this room. Hifi in sitting room. I need to find a suitable little cd player. Then maybe i can manage being offline abit more

last online: 05/14, 23:04
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No rush at all

(16 hours after post)
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think of it this way.. we could alter our biology in liking to elves.. eyes that can see far as the horizon allows us. Super light weight but incredibly strong bones.. prolonged lifespans.. all the fantasies in our making coming to reality.

but yea .. unnatural not as god would of intended which is very slow evolution. but i think humans are impatient

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(17 hours after post)
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Humans impatient and greedy

(17 hours after post)
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Jetmoo wrote:
Humans impatient and greedy

true and true..

(18 hours after post)
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Jetmoo wrote:
Humans impatient and greedy

true and true..

courious about what does that make people like us.. patient and generous?

right now hong kong does not want to be a communist state.
they'll fight till they die tho they're using protest violence - big ef deal

point is .. i dont think humanity would put up with AI or some kind of attempt for displaying overpowering force, not in the least from the free countries while physical force is mostly used during a serious crisis. if tanks rolled in hong kong.. the world is watching.. tiananmen square part 2

the worst crisis we should worry about is the prop agenda...mind control.

they're in favor of that because it easily controls and pretty much strays from violence

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Mind control is happening. People already dont understand the dangers of 5G or even understand the hidden agenda of "climate change"

In ur mind what would be the mind contol ideas to watch out for?

last online: 05/14, 23:04
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last online: 01/25, 20:20
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In ur mind what would be the mind contol ideas to watch out for?

If you want to know -
If you really - really want to know ALL the details of "Climate Change" and the brainwashing involved, just ask any kid in elementary school - the source of all brainwashing.
Public school.

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And then forcing kids to be vaccinated in order to attend school and forcing 5G upon kids going to school. We have 5G in the ambulances over here now and in our NHS hospitals. It would be no wonder suicide rates going up and people would be oblivious as to why they even feel that way.

A big chunk of it is this EMF crap. People are naive. If people touch an aerial of a radio or tv then the signal improves. Yet people dont believe that peoples bodies can detect radiowaves. Bloody nuts. Why does the signal improve if we cant detect it?

I read that EMF affects the calcium channels and allows calcium to flow into the cells where it is toxic. Cos calcium isnt supposed to go into cells.

Mams like dont tell the dr u think u get affected by it cos they wont understand. Theres plenty research out there supporting it. A woman in france won her case at court for being adversly affected by it.

But now its being used everywhere and even our politician wants to make it free everywhere. Its on the public buses.. this crap is everywhere. We dont need flipping wifi on the bus. Look out the window! Theres a world beyond it. Bloomin heck i wish i could sit on a bus and actually look out the window. I havent been able to go out anywhere since 2017 march time besides 1 dr visit and maybe 2 oesteo visits and a couple trips bk n forth from parents. Which i was carried. I havent entered a shop since march 2017.

This is nuts man. Its almost 2020.

Ive been stuck inside a bedroom for 2 and half years.

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Slash wrote:

In ur mind what would be the mind contol ideas to watch out for?

If you want to know -
If you really - really want to know ALL the details of "Climate Change" and the brainwashing involved, just ask any kid in elementary school - the source of all brainwashing.
Public school.

I keep trying to warn people ag every opportunity on fb but many do not believe me and even laugh. I share pictures of the chemtrails and artificial hail stones and people dont believe it. I think ive got some pretty good sources but people would rather laugh.

I used to think people were nuts but i opened my mind wondering what the others laughing at the climate stickers aas all about.

last online: 01/25, 20:20
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Think of it like this, Jetmoo;

After all the ridicule received from having created the Ark, year by year....the Great Flood finally came....
And I don't think they had one smart-assed thing left to say.

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Exactly right. I believe

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