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Im happy today.

I just thought i would tell you but im too tired to say why just now.

Hey out of curiousity, what do people think of me?

Also happy new year to everyone. If it was a hard year last year i hope that this one is better for you

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people, happy, year, hope, hard
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last online: 05/14, 23:04
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It warms my heart that you are happy. If I was in the U.K. I would celebrate

last online: 01/25, 20:20
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Im happy today.

I just thought i would tell you but im too tired to say why just now.

I completely understand this.
Sometimes, those little things (or even big) that make me smile take a lot of effort to describe.
You don"t have to always share - it's okay. Just knowing you smiled is good enough.

Hey out of curiousity, what do people think of me?

I think you're kinda cute for a six stone white rabbit with black ears.๐Ÿ˜‚

Also happy new year to everyone. If it was a hard year last year I hope that this one is better for you

Same said.
Let's hope that things can meet up with our expectations.

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Haha :D

61m5eztj 2l
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I donโ€™t know you but youโ€™re rabbit is cute.

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Shes my maisy. I really want her to come home. She is my baby. She has been gone for about 2 years now. Shes my world. I had to let her go when couldnt take care of myself or her anymore. My friend has her. I really want to get more care hours and her come home to be with me. I love her so much. Shee so beautiful in every single way. Every little millimeter of her is so beautiful. My baby girl. My litle girl

Her ears, nose, eye lashes even her little tongue, her feet and fluffy tail even her little teets are so darn cute and she is beautiful in every single way. My baby girl

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I love so much with all my heart. Come back to me my baby girl.

61m5eztj 2l
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Aww. I do hope your friend, both human and rabbit, get to visit more often. Animals seem to have a fabulous healing power about them!

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Thank you. They sure do

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