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What would you think?

Tonight I was with a male friend and I had turned my head to look at something but my body was still facing him. When I turned back around I caught him looking me up and down. And it wasn’t a quick glance but not too slow, somewhere in between and apparently I must’ve made a face because he just said “cool shirt.” Am I wrong to think he wasn’t really looking at my shirt. It was just a tan T-shirt. A baggy T-shirt really. But I feel like since I caught him that he hurried up and said something so it wouldn’t be awkward. Now I’m just like what is this about. I felt like he let me see him do it. And I’ve never really noticed this before.

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Since writing this post Anonymous may have helped people, but has not within the last four (4) days.
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felt, turned, noticed, caught, shirt
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(39 minutes after post)
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I think logically there's really nothing you can know here for sure. There are different degrees of what could be going on. He might have just been curious about your physique. He might be thinking about asking you out. Or for 'fun.' Maybe he just liked the shirt. Until you have more to go on, there's no way for you to know.

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(4 hours after post)
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T - shirts and girl b00bz are real good friends. And, a loose T shirt has a natural sort of lay to it.

Consider the ides of March. Spring is around the corner and so is the fever that goes with it.

Edit: You mentioned twice in your story that you "caught" him looking at you. Then at the end you said:

I felt like he let me see him do it.

There was enough time for him to look away before you turned back around. And if he let you see him, you didn't "catch" him...?

Maybe he likes you.

(18 hours after post)
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sounds like the occasional " checking her out " but these kind of captures can be easily misunderstood.

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(6 days after post)
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I think he likes u

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