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Since writing this post BA1 may have helped people, but has not within the last four (4) days.
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last online: 05/14, 23:04
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Thats what they wanted.
Ill guarantee the next step in mandatory chip implants.

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last online: 01/25, 20:20
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aeolians.revenge wrote:
Thats what they wanted.
Ill guarantee the next step in mandatory chip implants.

You may very well be correct.

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I am a moonbeam

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Jebus-Zeus wrote:
I am a moonbeam

And that makes me happy.

Hope you can convince them, like me.

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I don't mind the political banter, but so few can see the real spiritual issue that is going on.

The world elite are in charge of all governments and determine the reputation of it's politicians by controlling the mentality of the masses and it works.
They get done what they want done because they own and direct the beauocracy.
That's the way it really is - that's the reality of the way things have been and it's no different now.

What do you think social distancing is about - your health? You're a blooming idiot if you think so.
It's to keep you out of reach of your fellow human being.
What do you think wearing a mask is about - safety and health? If you think so you're dumb. Unless you're literally wearing a sealed respirator with a filtered independent source of air, those masks do nothing against viruses that are much smaller than the micron rating of any mask.
The mask is to shut your mouth. It's a band of tape for the adult mouth - shut up! That's what it's about.

You're learning a lesson alright, but it's not the right one.

You've watched too many "Resident Evil" and zombie apocalypse movies. This C - 19 ****shit ain't any different than anything else we've had in the past.

But most of you are buying the propaganda hook line and sinker while the elite are setting up their endgame.

Treat you fellow human like a disease. Shut your mouth. Keep your distance. Don't have any thought but beside the one they put into your head - don't share any real thought of your own and most of all plug your ears - yes - because your ears can contract the C - 19 virus like....like....why, yes - like an ear ache! The truth hurts the ears and infects the brain and when that happens the elite lose control of their game plan and it starts to become a "pandemic."

Are you hating Trump? If so, you still haven't learned a damn thing. He's a fall guy. There it is. While you're so damned hypnotized with the hate for Trump and C - 19 propaganda, you aren't seeing what or who is going on behind the scenes. It's sleight of hand, smoke and mirrors, a mirage, and shadows without substance.

There's a real problem going on and it isn't a *******fucking virus - it's hardly even political. This is a fight about humanity's right to exist with being molested by elite power mongrels who, in the end, perform the works of Satan himself.

If you don't wake up and change your outlook, you are freely giving your spiritual energy to a nonhuman enemy that could care less about your life.
The end.


last online: 05/14, 23:04
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Thank you Al. You nailed it, Ive been saying the same for the last couple decades. Different words.
Listen to what he wrote...

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last online: 01/25, 20:20
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aeolians.revenge wrote:
Thank you Al. You nailed it, Ive been saying the same for the last couple decades. Different words.
Listen to what he wrote...

And thank you for the kudos, Aeolian. Perhaps I should have been more vocal in the past about this, but I never really thought I live in the day of significant Biblical events. Yet, considering the apathy and scoffing as this is going on right before our very eyes, I wonder if it will have done any good.
I guess the idea is to let the truth be known until we're taken out by God or even the enemy itself. On any case, let it be done.

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BA1 wrote:

aeolians.revenge wrote:
Thats what they wanted.
Ill guarantee the next step in mandatory chip implants.

You may very well be correct.


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@BA1 @Gone agreed right there. Be on the watch for people gettinf u to sign an oath. Look up the oath for the illuminate. Asking u to give yourselves away to power of people effectively.

Pne cannot love god if their heart has been given to others to take care of mans selfish ways.

Illuminati are satanic false prophets to fool people to turn away from God.

They get people to sign up from free masons. Internet says freemasons and illuminati no longer a thing. However i know someone who goes to one. Who i dont associate with. He is in my fb but i dint interact. I feel i shouldnt hide stuff and should be open of everything. Conceil nothing in the hope i am doing the right thing that someone might opeb their eyes.

Peoples eyes are being opened by the way. There ARE some. But if is sad. My parents are being fooled by this and i have had to send my mam information to try get her up to date with this stuff

People need to be aware of this stuff. Its not just about getting it out there of the deception but it will not be long before Jesus and his angels come and destroy all badness.

People are running out of time to learn about God and change their ways. It is a battle against time to save people.

Revelations describes a truely awful picture and i sure would not want to be caught up in it or any if ny loved ones.

It is a race against time to save people. God is allowing more time to change because he loves us.

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It's good to see we're on the same page. So few are.

I would like to make a suggestion that may greatly help you.

First, it is important to understand that not all Bible translations are the same.

God has said that He has preserved His Word and that is the original source you must consider reading from.

There are all the arguments by atheists and agnostics regarding the Hebrew scrolls but that is a long drawn out issue best left aside - it's a time waster for the lost and neither of us have time for it.

Since we both speak english, the best translation you can read from is the original 1411 King James Version.

God wanted His Word in public domain and the KJV is free to all.

All other "versions" are produced by companies that have Copywritten their version. Because of this, they have subtly included their own spiritual and political views for the sake of money and position.

For example: the KJV gives you the idea that God created the known universe and all thing in it in six literal days - that's a fact.

Other "versions" were published during a time when "evolution" was becoming the narrative of man's origins. It gives you the impression that God used "evolution" to create the world, when nothing could be further from the truth.

In many other versions, the effective power of Christ is taken away, therefore it gives you the impression that you don't need to believe in Christ to be saved to go to heaven. These are dangerous philosophies.
Many versions omit the lake of fire and hell. This dismisses God's Judgement and punishment of evil.

So, I highly recommend that you start reading from the 1411 KJV.

Many people get started with different versions but they need to get on board when it comes to the true Bible.

May the Holy Spirit guide you to this truth.

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Thank you @BA1 how can i obtain a king james bible? Please can u help me get one?

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last online: 01/25, 20:20
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Jetmoo wrote:
Thank you @BA1 how can i obtain a king james bible? Please can u help me get one?

I'll certainly give it a try.
I'll need some time because I am in a new location, so I'm still learning the area and the things which are available.

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BA1 wrote:

Jetmoo wrote:
Thank you @BA1 how can i obtain a king james bible? Please can u help me get one?

I'll certainly give it a try.
I'll need some time because I am in a new location, so I'm still learning the area and the things which are available.

thank u!

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