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General Question here

Neighbor right beside next door has a large dog
bit of a sloppy hoarder with his stuff around the house, also obviously a pot head with a visible garden, my only problem .. he lets his dog out front to take a huge bear crap in MY FRONT YARD!

so what is his malfunction?

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dog, crap, bear, malfunction, yard
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Yorick edited this post .

General Question here¬ ¬ Neighbor right beside next door has a large dog¬ bit of a sloppy hoarder with his stuff around the house, also obviously a pot head with a visible garden, my only problem .. he lets his dog out front to take a huge bear crap in MY FRONT YARD! ¬ ¬ so what is his malfunction?

16935743 1750032141977429 1455532587 o
(3 days after post)
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Just doesn't care...

I would say he doesn't give a sh!t, but evidently he does give sh!ts. 😂

(4 days after post)
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Padre_J_Roulston wrote:
Just doesn't care...

I would say he doesn't give a sh!t, but evidently he does give sh!ts. 😂


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