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My dad is a huge jerk.

He has all kinds of health problems that ive been helping him with: taking him to appointments, organizing and picking up and keeping track of his meds, reminding him to take said meds, remembering dr instructions, calling drs, etc. whatever.

He has zero gratitude or appreciation and expects this done without a single thank you.

We never had a great relationship- he is just not a friendly guy and i don't relate to him. He is mean and has a short temper.

So he will fight about taking his medicine, about how i drive, about me asking the dr too many questions, and all kinds of stupid nitpicks.

He is driving me insane.

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driving, insane, meds, kinds, nitpicks
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(22 hours after post)
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Time can change things, sometimes for the better, so there could be that hope. My stepdad & I NEVER got along & then he got old, suffered maybe a micro-stroke & then became.. likeable. Something in his brain changed & he let go of some resentment he had, which led to some positive interactions & a glimpse of what things could have been like, though only for a short time before we parted company. He's dead now so I can only settle for that. I probably haven't been of much help but I'm only a psychotherapist on TV.. or I outta be.

(2 days after post)
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Everything you mentioned confirms his love for you.
It's never as bad as you think.

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