last online: 02/28, 23:53
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if your're anything like me.. made all the effort to look the part.. got all the figures thrown at ya.. but turned them down because they didnt meet the criteria. forgot the apostrophe.

attractive, successful, smart.. clever .. the whole dictionary of awesome. well you're gonna be disappointed. no one is that perfect

i should of given someone a chance.
a chance of knowing them when they can know me as well.
even when.
the heart is nothing to play with.. as long as its defined
obligations to what is shared
we want to see through one another
feel as if we were one
these thing are very much real
its all missed when you see before shallow
appearance seems to make us the fool
believing it will fill our souls

how did i
end up in the delay
sordid and sour in a waiting game
so ugly grows as years go by
all withered wrinkled that abides
in time an ugly word we live by

regrets from all could ever happened
if it did i might of sat in jail
oh or i would of been dead
did i play it safe
holding myself behind
what could of been
not a pretty pic
i can guarantee it

what am I?

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Since writing this post Yorick may have helped people, but has not within the last four (4) days.
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play, chance, pic, ugly, guarantee
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I am haunted by the memories
Of the way you treated me
When I start to feel okay
And am having a good day
The thought of you weighs me down
You built me up and then tore me down
I hate that you made me feel this way
I want to erase you from my mind
Because the good memories are flooded by the bad
Who am I?

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jammers thats what and who we are

(2 days after post)
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no matter where you are.
you will always be the young
whatever time you lived in
my respects will pay
when it began with

i wasnt there
but i can imagine
from hell to heaven
you went from there

say hey
hey hey
hey freind

nobody likes to be

i got something to say
im not about to tell you
how round the world is
or if this is earth

poverty and weath
snitches to saviors
one way or the other

say hey
hey hey
hey friend

nobody likes to be

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no handle
got alot
against me

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