ShoutTrail: PepperJ and Rockster160

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Hey Pep! Sorry- life has been really frantic so I haven't been able to get on here much. I'm also generally pretty quiet so can really only answer questions in terms of how the site works. ๐Ÿ˜…

How do I close my account here on ?
While we're very sad to hear that you're leaving, we're happy to help. To close your account at visit the Settings tab in you Account Admin pages. Here you can disable emails we send out. Because no one can login as you, and we stop sending you emails, your account is effectively closed.

This does not delete any of your past posts or replies. It merely prevents any future activity with this account. It also still remains possible to reactivate your account by logging in and picking up where you left off.

It's helpful to future users to be able to refer to past posts to help with similar problems they have, but some people prefer to edit/close those posts in order to protect privacy.

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Hey, there....

Hope all is well for you and things are working out IRL. You seem busy and you are a brain child to be able to keep this site up and running like you do

I do have one question, though....can I please delete my account?

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Thank youโ˜บ

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You bet! Got that updated for you.

And! ๐ŸŽˆ ๐ŸŽ ๐ŸŽ‰

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Hey, thanks again for starting the site and for being here all the time tweaking stuff and making sure it runs.

Got a question/request

My bday is wrong and I can't change it...I wanna be able to access all the posts ๐Ÿ˜Ž

Can you change the year to 1970... ? I know. I'm ancient lol.

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Youโ€™re very welcome! Iโ€™m glad youโ€™re enjoying it. ๐Ÿ˜Š

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Thanks again, for getting the site up and running. You are awesome๐Ÿ˜Š

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