ShoutTrail: smiley and Kalinihta

Just a simple "Hello", "Thanks", or chat! Back to Kalinihta's profile...

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Yes. They also make videos.

Happy earth
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Nice avatar! Reminds me of kurzgesagt.

Happy earth
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Thank you for saying so. I like the site, so I'm posting everything I think of, just to try to make it more busy. It's real me though, just more talkative than I usually am.

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I'm reading your posts and find them too relatable! I don't have any advice to give you, those are my thoughts for me: follow your dreams. Don't question them, you'll never know if you can succeed unless you try. And give your best. If you don't try you'll always be wondering "what if". Believe in yourself and even if you don't, it won't hurt you to try, worst scenario, you'll say "at least I tried".

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