ShoutTrail: music=life and Manthy

Just a simple "Hello", "Thanks", or chat! Back to Manthy's profile...

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18 miles from me :) We could always meet in the middle if you want to hang out for some coffee or something which would be a roughly 22 minute drive for each of us. Or maybe movies and a drink would be better. Hmm. I'm realising I have to be at least tipsy to be good conversation!

43ca60d0 2fa2 42fe b234 d2ff6891f6dc
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Small world. I just moved back to the suburbs and am living in Schaumburg now!

Cb97425f a27b 4dd6 a43b e54138790934
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Hey, I went onto your profile by chance and saw you live in Chicago. I live in Naperville if you'd ever like to hang out anytime (I've also pretty much lost all my friends since they graduated college and made newer and cooler friends). My fiancé and I sometimes go to Chicago by train and walk around downtown.

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