ShoutTrail: Araz and Jebus-Zeus

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4be8c2d8 78e3 4f52 8977 21b6cc47a3ee
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Sounds good to me! I used to live in Old Town Alexandria. Misha’s sounds kind of familiar. (I lived on Queen St).

Let me know when you have a Saturday off next! :)

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maybe on a saturday when im off, i live right across the wilson bridge in md, so its a short ride to most places in northern va. usually when i get off work, i high tail it across the bridge to beat rush hour traffic.

usually on weekends i drive across the bridge anyway in the mornings to get coffee at misha's coffee shop in alexandria on henry st, cuz they have the best coffee around, then usually go to whole foods on duke street. actually getting ready to ride over there in a few minutes.

4be8c2d8 78e3 4f52 8977 21b6cc47a3ee
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Most of our friends aren’t cookie cutter people. Anarchist hippy comedian? Makes me want to meet you MORE! He’s working in Edgewater, MD right now. Maybe we could meet halfway or when you get off work?

PS I’m an introvert, I really want to meet you, but hate going out but I force myself to do it so if you don’t want to I totally understand but if you do, that would be awesome! I always wind up having fun. (Andy is an extrovert.)

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i dont really get out much when im not working but maybe idk, im kind of an anarchist hippy comedian...

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well i work in prince william co, but live in fort washington md.

4be8c2d8 78e3 4f52 8977 21b6cc47a3ee
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I didn’t realize you lived so close! Want to meet up for drinks or coffee or something? :) I would love to meet another helper and introduce you to my husband!

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