ShoutTrail: Aria and Rockster160

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Thank you. Truly. From the bottom of my heart and beyond.

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You've already been given a chance. :) We're all fresh here.

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Thank you for understanding and not being mad/angry about it. You have no idea how much that means to me.

It's been a long 10 years, and I definitely am in a different place than I was back then. And though I'm still healing from some of it, I've learned quite a few lessons. Ones in which I intend to put into practice.

Perhaps, in a way, this is a chance to build and heal myself further. I just hope the others can give me a chance.

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That's awful. :( I'm so sorry that happened to you.

And don't worry about getting the post derailed. It happens all the time. ๐Ÿ˜„

I'd like to prevent as many negative/toxic people as possible, but it can be difficult sometimes to tell the difference between somebody that is just having a bad day and somebody that's just plain cruel. You don't want to turn down people that actually need help, you know?

But! Let's focus on the future. You're stronger now and you'll be able to recognize if that's happening again. Even more so than that- maybe you'll recognize it happening to somebody else and you'll be able to be there and help them get through it.
It's a horrible thing to go through, but it's what made you stronger, and now you can move on and be a better person for it.

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I'm so sorry. I did not mean to hijack Nixx''s post! Sometimes I can get emotional at inappropriate times. Especially when it is in regards to my PTSD. It wasn't my intention to be rude! My sincerest apologies. Please forgive me.

My situation was rather...strange. I got sucked in by two people and was made an absolute fool. To one of them, I became their abuse victim. But because I got sucked in with both of them, other users thought that I was the same...and ultimately turned on me. It's why I didn't keep in touch.

Those two people were not just trolls. They were toxic and they hurt people. Pretending to die, pretending to be 4 other people in crisis (including different genders, ages and people altogether) the second...tried to convince everyone (including me) without admitting that they were someone incredibly famous.

I was thrown under the bus with all of it, and I was so far gone into "if you were them, you'd want to see you get hit by a truck also, why should they believe you?" that I could see no other solution but to leave everyone be and I never explained/defended myself. Well, at least not to more than two people outside of the site...

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