ShoutTrail: Aria and Nix

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Im so sorry to hear that Aria, I hope your ok now.

I cant say I was well known around here, but a few know me. And I certainately didnt hate you on old help.

Its strange saying old help. This place i exactly the same, even helpbot is here :) Dont puch people away again. Im a good helper too :)

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No, you are definitely not alone. :) I think it also helps to know that you can talk to others who have the same experience too, so you don't just feel like you have to be stuck getting frustrated in a vacuum. And well...I'm a helper. Always have been. Probably to a fault. Lol.

I think I recall the name! Sadly though, I cannot honestly say I remember much. I went through quite a bit since leaving everyone behind when the old site disappeared, and if you've seen my previous shouts you might have seen that I had a fatal overdose some of my memories aren't how they used to be. Things didn't exactly turn out smoothly when I left help, and I left feeling hated by almost everyone and I only kept in contact with one person.

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I remember you on old help. :) I'm Nikki, I was beau on the old site. :)

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Thank you, its nice to know im not alone.

I am at the getting angry stage. I somehow feel like I have to complete a few things before I can focus on working out.

The therapist will be CBT as far as I know. But not entirely sure how I will get there

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By the way, Aria is just my screen/other name. My real name is Amy. "Aria" is just a name I've used for a while since I have done some self discovery. Aria is my "other" side.

No, not multiple personality. Lol. I am the BDSM lifestyle and so "Aria" is the part that reflects that.

Okay, that might have been TMI. Sorry. Heh.

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If you ever need a cheering squad, let me know! I am still in recovery even though it's been officially four years since I finally walked out of my house again. I still cannot do things by myself...except go across the road. I'm turning 32 next year, and my parents are still legally listed as my carers. I was put on disability in 2010 and I had to do the interview by phone.

I cannot say I have exactly the same weight issues - I am also in ED recovery.

A good therapist can do wonders! So I hope you have found one that will help you build on your strengths. Is your therapist one who uses CBT techniques?

I ended up having to start off my recovery all on my own when I just got fed up and angry at the disorder, rather than angry at myself (there's a huge difference, when for the longest time, I didn't think there was).

My agoraphobia is caused by complex PTSD and severe anxiety, and I've only been on new medications for just over a year.

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Thanks Aria.

I leave the house from time to time but never alone. I'm an avoider, of people or interactions. Its mostly dislike of my body that keeps me indoors. Im seeing a therapist in a few weeks, hopefully it will help. But I feel it wont change unless I lose weight, and right now I'm struggling to do that.

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Truly - please feel free to ask for help, support/advice ANY time. I hate seeing others going through the same living hell that I did. It gets better, I promise. I'm living proof.

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