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Should I write my professor?

Sherlock wrote:
You have learned a very valuable lesson in marketing. The two or three people who were always talking undoubtedly got very high marks. In ANY professional situation, you want to stand out in a positive way. You don't have to be the biggest standout, but you need to be visible. There's a name for people who work hard but never "blow their own horn." That word is "chumps."

You might ask the professor the best way to participate in a lecture format, which is admittedly a difficult thing to do. Lecture is the least desirable format for a class, but it is what 95 percent of university classes are about.

But always make sure the professor knows who you are. Ask some intelligent questions from time to time. Try not to sit in the back row--the profs believe that the least serious students sit there--really. Try to sit in one of the first two rows.

And, as Docteur Ralph says, you have to "talk up" your artwork. It's as much about blather as it is about brush strokes or stone chiseling.

I totally agree that this is how the world works. But I'm so against blowing your own horn! I think self-proclaimed people are a*******. Pardon my language. But I think being humble shows way more character.

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Should I write my professor?

PepperJ wrote:
What did the syllabus say about class participation? If it specifically mentioned participation being worth such a high percentage, then you are stuck. If it said a lower percentage, or implied something along the lines of...."there will be some class discussions that you will be expected to participate in...." with no caveat for NOT participating, then you might have a case.

One time, I was getting a 98 in a class going into the final, and I asked the prof how bad my grade could be on the final to retain the A. Prof got furious with me....lol

Also, I have learned that the more you kiss up to the prof (asking questions, showing how much you ADORE their course and their point of view, and their ideas, etc..... your grade will always "tip" if it's on the line between two. It will also "tip" down if the opposite is true.

Once I flunked a test. I really, really should NOT have flunked, but the test answers were pretty interpretive/subjective, so I realized the prof just "didn't really like me." I made sure to ask her questions, bring ideas into the classroom, stay after and talk to her, etc. Next tests were all "A's." It sucks, but often they have egos and like to hear themselves talk; and feel as if they are smarter than you...academia is a pedestal for them...and you have to play the game.

But think about it this way if it seems unfair (and it IS unfair): You have to learn to "play the game" in so many of life's situations, so it's good practice ๐Ÿ˜Š

I totally agree about the kissing ***ass part...it can definitely make or break your grade. And I'll have to recheck the syllabus because I don't remember it saying anything about participation, but I may be wrong. Thank you! That's a good point.

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Who would win the fight?

aeolian wrote:
Two socks was a wolf


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Who would win the fight?

DocteurRalph wrote:

twosocks wrote:

DocteurRalph wrote:
Nice, he made my smoking Dr. Ralph Club one. Twosocks made this one lol

That was so long ago! Do you happen to know the date of it? I can't even remember now when I drew that!

That account must be so old...jeez.
At least 10 years ago I guess. I don't know. Actually Yeti showed me where it was on photobucket... your photobucket lol.

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Who would win the fight?

DocteurRalph wrote:
Nice, he made my smoking Dr. Ralph Club one. Twosocks made this one lol

That was so long ago! Do you happen to know the date of it? I can't even remember now when I drew that!

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Should I write my professor?

It was a class of almost forty students. It was a fairly big class! And I did sit in the back ๐Ÿ˜… but only because I needed to sit by the plug for my computer to follow along with the professor! She sent us all of her lecture notes via word docs. To be honest, only the same two or three people spoke out all semester. The rest of the class just listened, which is what I thought I was suppose to do in a lecture!

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Who would win the fight?

DocteurRalph wrote:
I like your GIF avatar aeolian... did you figure out how to do that all by yourself or did Big Al one do it?

So is Jesus the saviour on Krypton too? Is he like just a one world son of God or all encompassing? So many questions to ask my pastor next Sunday... he already thinks I'm nuts.

Hmm I didn't think of it like that. Did Jesus die to for Supermans sins, too? Or are his people living on a higher moral standard than fickle humans?

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Should I write my professor?

The class is Professional Practices. It's a senior level class where you learn to curate exhibitions, price your artwork, learn the in's and out's of galleries and being a professional artist. Not exactly public speaking. Kinda like marketing.

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Who would win the fight?

I guess with all that on Jesus' side he's got a pretty good upper hand.

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Who would win the fight?

Well, I imagine because Jesus is also God he could magically make kryptonite appear. He could even turn bread into kryptonite. Also, because Jesus is also apart of God, he's also all knowing, all seeing, all powerful. So he could change fate so that Superman isn't even born. Or know exactly the right words to say to make Superman give up.

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