191 replies, Replies 181 to 190

Is emotional cheating just as bad as physical cheating or not as bad?

That's very understandable. You're not being jealous , you're being hurt and rightfully so. You're relationship with him means a lot to you, and you want the bond between you two to be more meaningful than with anyone else. If my boyfriend talked to another girl about our relationships before talking to me, I wouldn't be very happy with him.

You should tell him how you feel. If you don't, it probably won't change. But if he loves you, he will take your feelings into consideration. And he should care about your feelings more than a friends. He isn't committed to his friend the way he is to you.

I don't know if this is coming out cohesive enough, but I hope this helps (:

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Does anyone use Pinterest?

I honestly don't know that much about Pinterest - but it sounds like the new changes aren't very user friendly. I find it to be a very addicting site.

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So I decided to go into teaching special needs...

Legally it sounds like they have put you in a very high-risk situation. If something were to happen, however minor, would you be protected? Or would the school take the fall?
While it's an awesome opportunity for you starting out, I'm afraid the risk may be too high. Suppose something were to happen and it affected your future ability getting the same or a similar job?

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Is this site to help each of us or are we here to help others?

f*o*r*m*a*t*i*n*g is one weird drug

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Is this site to help each of us or are we here to help others?

thank you

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From The Council of Penguins.

I often emerge from my rabbit-holes feeling the same way

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Hey, anyone remember this bitch?

it's been forever, but I remember you! I believe I had a different screen name back then, but I can't remember what it was exactly :(

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I used to masturbate onto birds at a local park.

I feel like this sort of post belongs most to a weird ******fetish subreddit. Not sure what you need help with - well, honestly, I can tell you need a lot of help. But not from this site, buddy.

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I need a math person.

But then again, I am in no way shape or form a math person.

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I need a math person.

The last I was taught is that you solve by multiplying first, then going by the order of operations you can add. So, unless that's changed, you should be correct! I would have a few doubts about your teachers credibility if I were you...

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