37 replies, Replies 31 to 37

Nobody else is going to start a post, looks like I'll have to talk to myself.

I'm an alcoholic which will never change for the rest of my life. I did the 28 days in patient treatment which helped me on the way to change they way my life was going. Those classes give you the tools that you can use to help you, not all of them are going to work, the god thing didnt happen for me but what did is that I am the one that makes the decision, right or wrong, good or bad. I am the one that made that decision to cause problems, no matter what others did or said. Its me and I had to change. I learned in those classes what worked for me and thats what they are for to give you options that you can use to make decisions that will help you in life and stay out of trouble.

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I'm not sure how many of you out there make your own wine or beer, so I am going to just put this out there.

Padre_J_Roulston wrote:

TheClue wrote:

I use Potassium Bisulfite (Campden) It works really well and doesnt add any flavors to the mash. How did your first batch turn out?

I've been told that the Campden can cause the sulfer smell. Try making sure that the dosage is correct for your volume.

My first batch was of mixed results...

The recipe that I was following did not have it ferment in a sealed environment, and it had a lot of wild yeast in it. I thought that it still tasted not bad, and a lot of people agreed with me... But there were a lot of people that thought it tasted like dirt as well.

This batch that I just bottled (obviously needs to age) I think that it stalled out in fermentation. It is really really sweet. It tastes good, but very sweet. I'm hoping that in aging, the spices will even the flavour our some.

It is hard to please everyone when making wines thats why there are so many types. I just make what I like. I use yeast energizer for stuck fermentation which will start the yeast using those sugars that are making it really sweet. Here is something that you can use for fermentation depending on how much your making. https://scontent-ort2-2.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/4...

You can use 1 gal to 5 gal jugs with a airlock and cork. I made the corks myself by drilling a hole to hold the airlock. These airlocks and corks can also be purchased premade and in combination packs
Heres a look at the fermentation as you can see its very vigorous which is the cause of the surfer smell to achieve the higher ABV

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I'm not sure how many of you out there make your own wine or beer, so I am going to just put this out there.

BIG.AL.ONE wrote:

TheClue wrote:
Hey Big Al I ferment in 20 gal stainless stock pots :-) A little spendy but easy to clean.

It was my best, considering what I don't know- haha!
Actually, it's good to see a post from you after so long

Yes its been a while I'm going to try to be on more like I used to or close to it :-)

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I'm not sure how many of you out there make your own wine or beer, so I am going to just put this out there.

Padre_J_Roulston wrote:
What sort of sterilizer do you use?

I know if you use the sulfates it can cause the smell. It could be that you are using too much.

I just finished my second batch of mead this week.

I use Potassium Bisulfite (Campden) It works really well and doesnt add any flavors to the mash. How did your first batch turn out?

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I'm not sure how many of you out there make your own wine or beer, so I am going to just put this out there.

Hey Big Al I ferment in 20 gal stainless stock pots :-) A little spendy but easy to clean.

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I'm not sure how many of you out there make your own wine or beer, so I am going to just put this out there.

thanks for the responses I have seen the help videos. I was just wondering if there was another way to remedy that smell. I use copper scouring pads in a funnel to achieve the same results as the copper sulfate without the risk.

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Hello everyone the site looks like it did when I first joined when CNet started it.

Thanks everyone it has been such a long time since I was here I can barely remember the names or avatars of the members. I hope everyone is doing well. :-)

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