37 replies, Replies 11 to 20

We have Covid-19!

soco wrote:

TheClue wrote:
We are not vaccinated and have had the virus with nothing more than a mild cold and thats it. Not getting anything that alters our immune system. Here is a fact for you we are just one life form on this planet and subject to Natural Selection (Read up on it). Nature will do what it wants, when it wants and man has no control over it. If you body cannot adapt to this virus "Shots or not" then you will die. Plain and simple. Get over it, man is not superior and never will be. Have a great day!!!

How do you know you had Covid-19? Were you tested?

Yes first my oldest brought it home from work (Got tested)then the rest of us got it and we where tested about 5 days later(all Positive)

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We have Covid-19!

We are not vaccinated and have had the virus with nothing more than a mild cold and thats it. Not getting anything that alters our immune system. Here is a fact for you we are just one life form on this planet and subject to Natural Selection (Read up on it). Nature will do what it wants, when it wants and man has no control over it. If you body cannot adapt to this virus "Shots or not" then you will die. Plain and simple. Get over it, man is not superior and never will be. Have a great day!!!

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I miss the old help.com

As the song says "Times are a changing" :-)

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Does anyone know how to re-dye army pants a solid colour?

Try Rit I used it on some shirts and they looked great. I would use 1 kit per pair of pants and see if you get the color your looking for.

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Hi Dani how can I search for my old account? the clue it was created back when Cnet started this site.

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You don't buy beer, you only rent it.

I dont buy my beer I make it then I pee on the garden to make the flowers grow LOL :-)

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Does anyone here use an ISP thatโ€™s not Verizon, Cox, or Comcast?

Check out your local phone company and see if they offer internet services that is what I have for my home. If not then for my cell I use straight talk and for 55 dollars per month you can get unlimited data then use your cell phone as a hot spot for all your internet devices in your home.

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I don't usually make political posts.

Lano wrote:

TheClue wrote:
Here's what I think Trump has done so far that others haven't. He has told the American public what he was going to do if elected and guess what he has been doing it. Granted he is not a politician and most of the time is really blunt with what he says but he has everyone's attention. He has talks with or dealt with the north Koreans, Vietnam, Russia, Iraq, Syria, China, Mexico head on which none of the other presidents did. He has also shaken the boat in both houses to the point some of the elected officials are worried that they will lose their jobs because they cannot work with each other. Here's the deal if the Democrats cant get their party together they will loose the election to Trump again. :-)

I'm not sure why people say he's not a politician. It is his first time in public office, but he's been a public figure and has been involved with politics forever. The only thing i can think of is people not in ny arent used to him being in the news.

I'm guessing he never specifically promised NOT to obstruct justice, so he didn't break any promises there.

I dont know how many democrats are afraid of losing their job specificall because of trump seeing what happened in the mid term election. Looks like trump might though. If the republicans in the senate dont just keep in step with him.

I can respect aggressive diplomacy as a legitmate strategy. I would prefer someone less corrupt to run it though.

Your getting politician and politics confused. Everyone is into politics even you but as I said Trump was not a politician and never held a government job prier to being president. Here again my statement was taken out of context I said "Elected officials of both houses" not Democrats or Republicans and the reason that I stated this is that they swore to protect the United States and its citizens form enemy's,external and internal and to follow orders from their commander and chief, who at this time is Donald Trump and some of them dont think they have too they will see. Here's the last thing Trump wasn't elected just by the white population, Woman, Minorities, Legal Immigrants, Native Americans(whom I am a part of) and others helped put Trump into office and the reason was his promise to deal with the border and all the illegal immigrants also to get Americans back to work with fair trade policies, start fixing the infrastructure and to deal with those countries that want to start wars and he has been doing that. Trump is also the only sitting president to cross over the DMZ to north Korea and meet with the president of that country. Trump is going to be hard to beat.

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I don't usually make political posts.

Here's what I think Trump has done so far that others haven't. He has told the American public what he was going to do if elected and guess what he has been doing it. Granted he is not a politician and most of the time is really blunt with what he says but he has everyone's attention. He has talks with or dealt with the north Koreans, Vietnam, Russia, Iraq, Syria, China, Mexico head on which none of the other presidents did. He has also shaken the boat in both houses to the point some of the elected officials are worried that they will lose their jobs because they cannot work with each other. Here's the deal if the Democrats cant get their party together they will loose the election to Trump again. :-)

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I need to bring food for a party.

Theres all kinds of stuff you can take. Potato salad, macaroni salad, chex mix any kind of chip and dip not to mention nacho's use your imagination.

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