4be8c2d8 78e3 4f52 8977 21b6cc47a3ee
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Does anyone here use an ISP that’s not Verizon, Cox, or Comcast?

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I don't... But then I'm not in the states either. I use Hay Communications.

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I’m trying to find an alternative, these oligopolies are price fixing and it’s really infuriating

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Yup. But I'm in Australia. We have an entirely different set of ISPs. I chose mine due to the company's HQ being based in my city, and not privatized and outsourced to another country. Just because it's more convenient if my modem craps out, to drive to the HQ and pick up a new one in an hour, as opposed to waiting 5-7 business days for it to be shipped over the ocean...

That, and it keeps local jobs. We have the highest unemployment rate in the country, to the point everyone is leaving to find work overseas. Ie; I have a friend who had to move to Saudi Arabia for his work (and he has a PH.d), a cousin of mine had to move to England to find a job, and another cousin had to leave our metro area to work in small towns in other states just to be a bartender...

Like seriously, you know it's bad when its hard to get a job selling BOOZE to people who are depressed about being jobless.

So I feel like my choice is trying to help a little, and they have awesome customer service. I've been a happy customer for over 10 years. They provide my internet, my phone, and soon, they'll even have me as a streaming service customer. Especially since Stan and Netflix keeps removing all my favorite stuff.

Give me back Broadchurch and Jessica Jones, you bastards!

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@Aria I would happily pay my ISP for the reasons you’re using your own. I think it’s so important to support local businesses, I commend you helping your neighbors this way. I wish there was something like this where I live.

They took off Jessica Jones! That’s still on our region’s Netflix.

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Anyone here remember Tucows? Well they still exist and are providing cellphone service going by the name Ting. They are also now growing in the Internet/WiFi business under the same name, Ting TV. Google it and signup to have it brought to your town.

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I pay Comcast over $230 a month... yeah it's price fixing. What you do is call up and tell them you're going to cancel or just cancel and suddenly they will offer you the same plan for $100 less a month. Then slowly they will raise your bill until it's back up over $200 and you have to call back up and cancel again. It really works well if you unplug all your cable boxes and drag the into the local office. They'll do anything to keep you online.

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soco wrote:
Anyone here remember Tucows? Well they still exist and are providing cellphone service going by the name Ting. They are also now growing in the Internet/WiFi business under the same name, Ting TV. Google it and signup to have it brought to your town.

I’ll check it out!

4be8c2d8 78e3 4f52 8977 21b6cc47a3ee
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DocteurRalph wrote:
I pay Comcast over $230 a month... yeah it's price fixing. What you do is call up and tell them you're going to cancel or just cancel and suddenly they will offer you the same plan for $100 less a month. Then slowly they will raise your bill until it's back up over $200 and you have to call back up and cancel again. It really works well if you unplug all your cable boxes and drag the into the local office. They'll do anything to keep you online.

I’m getting so tired of having to do this. I did it with Verizon a few times and now it’s happening with Comcast. I even dragged all of my cable boxes to the office too! I even reached out to a friend who works at Comcast. Guess what happend? Nothing! 😩 I really hate all of them.

4be8c2d8 78e3 4f52 8977 21b6cc47a3ee
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@soco Charlottesville is the closest city to me that has it according to their site and that’s at least 3 hrs away from me 😔

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So? Sign up your city, bourough, colony, yurt and get your friends to do the same. Heck, get your enemies to sign up too. Get the word out on local social networks too. Sign up your children. Sign up your neighbors kids. It's free!

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Araz wrote:
@Aria I would happily pay my ISP for the reasons you’re using your own. I think it’s so important to support local businesses, I commend you helping your neighbors this way. I wish there was something like this where I live.

They took off Jessica Jones! That’s still on our region’s Netflix.

I wish local options were a choice everywhere, to be honest. Privatization and outsourcing is a huge issue economically. Sure it may be cheaper for the CEO's, but it shifts the economy into an imbalance, I think. Hire cheap employees while the employers get richer, and screw the rest. At this point, I'd be happy to wash dishes for less than minimum wage just to gain employment - and I'm in a first world country already.

Oh, Jessica Jones is still on our Netflix...but they cancelled the series. (And don't even get me started on Luke Cage and The Punisher series they tossed out too) But, I can't be too mad at them since they saved Lucifer, and my heart was devastated when I thought season 3 was the final.

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soco wrote:
So? Sign up your city, bourough, colony, yurt and get your friends to do the same. Heck, get your enemies to sign up too. Get the word out on local social networks too. Sign up your children. Sign up your neighbors kids. It's free!

Lol that solves the problem for future Araz but not me currently...

4be8c2d8 78e3 4f52 8977 21b6cc47a3ee
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@Aria I haven’t seen season 3 of Jessica Jones yet, I didn’t even know about Luke Cage and am now totally bummed because I loved that show, and I couldn’t get into the Punisher. DH loves Lucifer but that’s another show I couldn’t get into.

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Araz wrote:
@Aria I haven’t seen season 3 of Jessica Jones yet, I didn’t even know about Luke Cage and am now totally bummed because I loved that show, and I couldn’t get into the Punisher. DH loves Lucifer but that’s another show I couldn’t get into.

I've only just started on season 3. I spend most of my time on Netflix these days. So sorry that you didn't know about Luke Cage, though! I was definitely climbing the walls when it was announced. They had it announced together that they were all ending at their next seasons, so it was a triple disappointment for me. I'm a long-time comic fan and collector, so I eat up all the shows and movies of it. DCU on the small screen does far better than their big screen works, where Marvel shines on the big screens. The Punisher was one of the few Marvel works that did well away from the box office.

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Totally agree about Marvel movies @Aria and I’ll give Punisher another chance. I’ve been watching Amazon Prime shows more lately - just finished Carnival Row and loved it. Not a superhero movie but I would recommend you check it out.

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I have Frontier.

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✿CherryBomb✿ wrote:
I have Frontier.

I’ll check it out, thank you!!!

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Check out your local phone company and see if they offer internet services that is what I have for my home. If not then for my cell I use straight talk and for 55 dollars per month you can get unlimited data then use your cell phone as a hot spot for all your internet devices in your home.

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Something called Sling tv out there too.

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