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I don't usually make political posts.

In fact, maybe I never have, I don't remember. I try not to take politics too seriously, and admittedly, it's hard for me to change my mind about certain things that I've thought hard about, and I know that it's hard to change other people's minds about their opinions, and that's not my job in any case.

But I am just so disgusted by what has come out in the Mueller Report. Russia deliberately tried to influence the election. And Trump deliberately tried to stall the investigate of it. Because it's going to hurt his chances of being reelected. There's other bad stuff in there too, but those are the main things for me.

I never liked Trump, either as a TV personality or as a Presidential candidate. I always thought he was arrogant and obnoxious and self-centered (in fact, I'd argue he deliberately markets himself as such). I don't agree with most of his policies, and I am disgusted by many things he has said in public, both the deliberate lies he has said and the language he uses.

That being said, I wouldn't have wanted him to be impeached until hearing what was in the Mueller report. Voted out of office? Yes. Impeached? No. Not until this.

I don't really want to get into an argument about this with people, but I really encourage you, if you are still on Trump's side in this...look at the evidence. Rethink your position. And if you end up changing your mind, try to change a friend's mind on it as well.

You can agree with his policies while realizing that we can't have a person who's so morally compromised in the highest executive office in the land.

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Just a reminder- if the post gets out of hand or any discussion turned personal in the slightest, the post will be promptly closed.

Discussing or stating your opinion on the politics is fine. Abusing others, even if it’s not your intention, even if it’s indirect, because they have a different opinion is NOT fine.

Please remember- we’re all human. Be kind.

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That's fine with me. I really hesitated in posting this but I decided to go ahead and get on my 20 or so person pulpit here and preach.

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I would say - “There is no way Trump will be re-elected.”

But I also said “There is no way Trump will be elected.” I was very obviously proven wrong there.

I truly believe that he should be impeached as well, just as Clinton was for perjury. I don’t believe this will happen.

And, if he was... we have Mike Pence as president and the thought of that makes me want to hurl.

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I also try to avoid political posts. Everyone is so divided and it’s hard not to take things personally. I have the benefit of being surrounded by people with different political ideologies, which forces me to question my own beliefs constantly. The consensus, however, even for those that supported Trump in the past, is that he’s a liar and amoral.

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Araz wrote:
I would say - “There is no way Trump will be re-elected.”

But I also said “There is no way Trump will be elected.” I was very obviously proven wrong there.

I truly believe that he should be impeached as well, just as Clinton was for perjury. I don’t believe this will happen.

And, if he was... we have Mike Pence as president and the thought of that makes me want to hurl.

I think if Pence came into office he would have an ineffectual less than two years and then probably not run for reelection.

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But in order for him to be impeached, the house would have to vote on it and then in order for him to be thrown out of office, the senate would have to vote 2/3 in favor, correct? I think the Supreme Court gets involved? But I could be wrong about that, I’m going off memory.

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I just don’t see it happening :(

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Araz wrote:
I also try to avoid political posts. Everyone is so divided and it’s hard not to take things personally. I have the benefit of being surrounded by people with different political ideologies, which forces me to question my own beliefs constantly. The consensus, however, even for those that supported Trump in the past, is that he’s a liar and amoral.

I actually am in a debate club where everyone has different opnions and we all argue but we dont hate eachother after. I do find it easier to engage with some of them than others, being a civilized arguer takes practice and patience.

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Lano wrote:
I actually am in a debate club where everyone has different opnions and we all argue but we dont hate eachother after. I do find it easier to engage with some of them than others, being a civilized arguer takes practice and patience.

@Lano nice! Political discussions work if everyone involved don’t take things personally. I always wanted to be part of a debate club 😊 I was in a club that focused on international security and politics when I was in uni. It was the only place I’ve ever seen debate without getting heated... except for this one guy, but there’s always that one guy lol.

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Araz wrote:

Lano wrote:
I actually am in a debate club where everyone has different opnions and we all argue but we dont hate eachother after. I do find it easier to engage with some of them than others, being a civilized arguer takes practice and patience.

@Lano nice! Political discussions work if everyone involved don’t take things personally. I always wanted to be part of a debate club 😊 I was in a club that focused on international security and politics when I was in uni. It was the only place I’ve ever seen debate without getting heated... except for this one guy, but there’s always that one guy lol.

It's a nice social outlet. Ours is very chill, we know we are not experts and that its all fun and games

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Araz wrote:
But in order for him to be impeached, the house would have to vote on it and then in order for him to be thrown out of office, the senate would have to vote 2/3 in favor, correct? I think the Supreme Court gets involved? But I could be wrong about that, I’m going off memory.

I feel like what the republicans could have done rather than bend over backwards to adopt he-can-do-no-wrong attitude towards the prez was say, ok you're president. Now lets just do what we want to do and ignore you.

Their agenda probably would have gone a lot further. And they wouldn't look as bad as they are looking right now.

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I just have to say that I believe EVERYONE who is in politics is arrogant and crooked as they come. I think that maybe it doesn't happen right away, but it happens. I also think that the arrogance and crookedness is from small local governments all the way to the office of President.

I think that the profession either draws the scumbags, or the position makes people scumbags. Or both.

I can give examples of small local government corruption (DA's offices, sheriff's offices, school boards....INDIVIDUAL employees in those offices getting special treatment, etc) And think about this: When your local school board is corrupt and the individuals have special privileges....when money is used to purchase things for students/teachers, and it never goes to those folks....when there are MILLIONS of dollars of stored items that were used with the money provided, but schools have leaky roofs....when DA's get out of criminal charges/DUI's....when staff in those offices causes traffic crashes and never get tickets.....then realize that these examples are only at the LOCAL level and that the higher it goes, the more ability/opportunity for corruption.

At the state level, you have state senators who are so drunk they can't stand up, walking by the state cops who are there for protection, and allowed to drive, because the cops would lose their jobs over reporting said state senator. You have senators who assault these cops, verbally, physically, and sexually. If it does get reported, it goes nowhere. Some cops are corrupt, too, but they fall more in the local corruption ring. Most, though, are wanting to make a better world for people. When the cops are the victim of corruption, it's because they are interacting with state level reps who are corrupt, as part of their jobs.

All of these taxes that we pay; all of the laws that are restricting our freedoms (and we don't even realize it....); the money, power and influence that we give up is going to the "leaders" of our communities, states, and federal governments and is making people more and more corrupt and giving them bigger and bigger pockets.

Meanwhile, 1/4 of kids go hungry in this country; vets are suffering and/or homeless; many people are "food insecure;" people have to decide between eating and heat; and many are just leeching off the system, playing the game locally...those people are NEEDED so that the gov can "raise taxes, raise fees, hire more staff..." to "service those in need...." while much of that budget for new staff, new services...never sees those who need it. But the higher the number of people needing govt help, the more the govt gets involved and takes from everyone.

Now think about this: if there is so much corruption locally that it would make you sick, there's 100x more corruption state wide. And 1000x more corruption at the federal level. BUT. The USA is the wealthiest and strongest country to date. So imagine being in the federal govt in the USA....the corruption, by default and due to our power and influence, extends world wide.

IMO, it all needs overturned, but I don't want to go there.

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I must add that most CEO's and the uber rich/famous fall in the same category as those in politics.

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I never thought Trump would win, he can't even spell! His tweets, whenever I stumble across them, amaze me. He actually said "he qualifies not as smart, but genius, a very stable genius!" And that's not the least of them. However, I actually think, with all of that and even after the Mueller report, that his transgressions and interference are overblown and that he's probably less corrupt than the last two presidents, and less corrupt than Hillary. The thing is, all of his corruption is in the open being blared on all media. That did not happen as much with Obama and Bush, who in my opinion both managed to do worse things. People talk about the Mueller report all the time like it's totally damning, but unless I missed something, the Russian interference in question was mostly making memes and propaganda for idiots on Facebook. Americans do the same and they're paid more for it, so I don't care. Also, it's kind of great to have a president nobody takes seriously, he can't do as much harm because nobody lets him. Past presidents have been a little more subtle with their dirty dealings.

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verge wrote:
I actually think, with all of that and even after the Mueller report, that his transgressions and interference are overblown and that he's probably less corrupt than the last two presidents, and less corrupt than Hillary. The thing is, all of his corruption is in the open being blared on all media. That did not happen as much with Obama and Bush, who in my opinion both managed to do worse things. People talk about the Mueller report all the time like it's totally damning, but unless I missed something, the Russian interference in question was mostly making memes and propaganda for idiots on Facebook. Americans do the same and they're paid more for it, so I don't care. Past presidents have been a little more subtle with their dirty dealings.

Agree with this ^^^^^^

Disagree about people taking him seriously. Many do. Also, he has done quite a bit while in office.

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Read the report yourself. It's not rocket science.

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meh.. politics .. i'm so over it.. there are grander schemes bigger than this in play. the sort you might call petty stuff beyond comprehensions.. don't get me started with conspiracies j/k

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I don't think anyone really cares for the meaning of this country like they used to, anymore.
I didn't care for Bill Clinton's adminestraion and oddly, I was a bit taken back by the whole Lewenski/Tripp/Star ordel. I thought it was disgusting and I'm not talking about the Bill/Monica affair....
What disgusted me the most were the people's desire to smear the Presidential seat on the world stage at all costs.
John F. Kennedy went down in history as one of the greatest presidents to have ever lived....yet....just as it so happened to be he was also going down on Marylin Monroe.
You didn't see then people who were willing to make that the focal point of Kennedy's administration - we protected the image of the Presidency because it matters - the world watches and makes its plans based on the weakness of the chair.
But, nowadays (for the sheer entertainment), we're happy to throw anything to the wolves.
I'm glad Trump made President. Because of that, you can still tell the school kids that you can grow up to be anything you like including the President of the United States, otherwise it would have fallen to the hands of career politicians who generously liberate themselves with every facet that money, position and power have to offer - a sort of "Golden Corral" you will never get to experience.

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Slash wrote:
I don't think anyone really cares for the meaning of this country like they used to, anymore.
I didn't care for Bill Clinton's adminestraion and oddly, I was a bit taken back by the whole Lewenski/Tripp/Star ordel. I thought it was disgusting and I'm not talking about the Bill/Monica affair....
What disgusted me the most were the people's desire to smear the Presidential seat on the world stage at all costs.
John F. Kennedy went down in history as one of the greatest presidents to have ever lived....yet....just as it so happened to be he was also going down on Marylin Monroe.
You didn't see then people who were willing to make that the focal point of Kennedy's administration - we protected the image of the Presidency because it matters - the world watches and makes its plans based on the weakness of the chair.
But, nowadays (for the sheer entertainment), we're happy to throw anything to the wolves.
I'm glad Trump made President. Because of that, you can still tell the school kids that you can grow up to be anything you like including the President of the United States, otherwise it would have fallen to the hands of career politicians who generously liberate themselves with every facet that money, position and power have to offer - a sort of "Golden Corral" you will never get to experience.

My two quibbles with that is first, that there is a diffenence between the President cheating on his or her spouse and them doing something that can hurt the integrity of the democratic process. I think Trump's current position is closer to Nixon's.
And second, i don't think trump's starting line was ever similar to any old random kid without any special money or power to get what he or she wants.

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My two quibbles with that is first, that there is a diffenence between the President cheating on his or her spouse and them doing something that can hurt the integrity of the democratic process.

....😦.... I invite you to reconsider this view. Your personal actions as President directly affects the Chair and integrity of the United States - what you personally do is not inextrictable from your position at this level of commission - the entire country shoulders the burden when a mess is made.
....Are other leaders on the international stage looking at Lano's impeccable morality to conclude their decisions or....the officials you elected? (in your case the ones you did not elect, but still...).

And second, i don't think trump's starting line was ever similar to any old random kid without any special money or power to get what he or she wants.

- Not according to the Democratic committee.... They frowned on Trump for being a "businessman" and "Not having a lick of political experience." These words coming from decadent politicians who were groomed and steeped in politics for decades....
But the truth be told - the entire sum of Donald's mogul career (before his presidency) is nothing less than politics in it's purest form. The only difference between that and his Presidency today, is that today he's got to deal with several million half-way adults with tye-dyed hair and Wheel of Fortune pronouns (what will it be this month - er - week - er - day - er - hour - er - minute....).
Haha! - Can't you see I identify as a 1 X 2 diagonally lined sticky note wrapped in Pampers?😂😂😂

And the real reason for the Wall not already being built is......?

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From what I gather, the Mueller report, as released, is the REDACTED report with the really juicy bits cut out. I wonder what form this conversation would take if the complete report were to be released?

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verge wrote:
I never thought Trump would win, he can't even spell! His tweets, whenever I stumble across them, amaze me. He actually said "he qualifies not as smart, but genius, a very stable genius!" And that's not the least of them. However, I actually think, with all of that and even after the Mueller report, that his transgressions and interference are overblown and that he's probably less corrupt than the last two presidents, and less corrupt than Hillary. The thing is, all of his corruption is in the open being blared on all media. That did not happen as much with Obama and Bush, who in my opinion both managed to do worse things. People talk about the Mueller report all the time like it's totally damning, but unless I missed something, the Russian interference in question was mostly making memes and propaganda for idiots on Facebook. Americans do the same and they're paid more for it, so I don't care. Also, it's kind of great to have a president nobody takes seriously, he can't do as much harm because nobody lets him. Past presidents have been a little more subtle with their dirty dealings.

They posed as americans and organized pro trump rallies under false pretenses. They also hacked the Democratic Party's emails and Hilary Clinton's emails specifically to give that information to the trump campaign. Plus the stuff in the video soco posted.

Thats about as far as i've gotten into the report so far, i have been trying to listen to it on audiobook. Honestly it has made me so angry that im not sure i can continue.

Dr. ralph club zps9ornptsl
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I don't think Trump is any worse or any better than any of the other presidents we have had lately as far as breaking rules and doing whatever he wants to do. I think the effect he has had on our economy is better though. I didn't vote for him because I thought he was crazy and would start World War III. I was wrong about that, by the way I didn't vote for Hillary either.

It kind of reminds me of a South Park episode I saw once upon a time. Stan didn't want to vote because the two candidates were a turd sandwich and a giant douche. They banished him from town for not voting... some things never change.

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Dr. ralph club zps9ornptsl
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The giant douche won, just in case anyone was wondering.

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DocteurRalph wrote:
The giant douche won, just in case anyone was wondering.

I was going to ask lol

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DocteurRalph wrote:
I don't think Trump is any worse or any better than any of the other presidents we have had lately as far as breaking rules and doing whatever he wants to do. I think the effect he has had on our economy is better though. I didn't vote for him because I thought he was crazy and would start World War III. I was wrong about that, by the way I didn't vote for Hillary either.

It kind of reminds me of a South Park episode I saw once upon a time. Stan didn't want to vote because the two candidates were a turd sandwich and a giant douche. They banished him from town for not voting... some things never change.

Andy voted for Johnson. A lot of people got mad at him for “throwing away his vote” but I was proud of him for sticking to his values.

20201024 182842
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Here's what I think Trump has done so far that others haven't. He has told the American public what he was going to do if elected and guess what he has been doing it. Granted he is not a politician and most of the time is really blunt with what he says but he has everyone's attention. He has talks with or dealt with the north Koreans, Vietnam, Russia, Iraq, Syria, China, Mexico head on which none of the other presidents did. He has also shaken the boat in both houses to the point some of the elected officials are worried that they will lose their jobs because they cannot work with each other. Here's the deal if the Democrats cant get their party together they will loose the election to Trump again. :-)

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Araz wrote:

DocteurRalph wrote:
I don't think Trump is any worse or any better than any of the other presidents we have had lately as far as breaking rules and doing whatever he wants to do. I think the effect he has had on our economy is better though. I didn't vote for him because I thought he was crazy and would start World War III. I was wrong about that, by the way I didn't vote for Hillary either.

It kind of reminds me of a South Park episode I saw once upon a time. Stan didn't want to vote because the two candidates were a turd sandwich and a giant douche. They banished him from town for not voting... some things never change.

Andy voted for Johnson. A lot of people got mad at him for “throwing away his vote” but I was proud of him for sticking to his values.

I voted for Gary Johnson too. That guy is great. Too bad he's getting too old to keep running, I'd vote for him again.

Dr. ralph club zps9ornptsl
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That's funny, I voted for the Libertarian guy Johnson too. My family all got mad and said I threw away my vote, but I'm an expert at that. Heck I voted for Ross Perot way back when and then I voted for the Ron Paul revolution. It seems like we always have a turd sandwich and a giant douche running in my eyes.

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TheClue wrote:
Here's what I think Trump has done so far that others haven't. He has told the American public what he was going to do if elected and guess what he has been doing it. Granted he is not a politician and most of the time is really blunt with what he says but he has everyone's attention. He has talks with or dealt with the north Koreans, Vietnam, Russia, Iraq, Syria, China, Mexico head on which none of the other presidents did. He has also shaken the boat in both houses to the point some of the elected officials are worried that they will lose their jobs because they cannot work with each other. Here's the deal if the Democrats cant get their party together they will loose the election to Trump again. :-)

I'm not sure why people say he's not a politician. It is his first time in public office, but he's been a public figure and has been involved with politics forever. The only thing i can think of is people not in ny arent used to him being in the news.

I'm guessing he never specifically promised NOT to obstruct justice, so he didn't break any promises there.

I dont know how many democrats are afraid of losing their job specificall because of trump seeing what happened in the mid term election. Looks like trump might though. If the republicans in the senate dont just keep in step with him.

I can respect aggressive diplomacy as a legitmate strategy. I would prefer someone less corrupt to run it though.

20201024 182842
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Lano wrote:

TheClue wrote:
Here's what I think Trump has done so far that others haven't. He has told the American public what he was going to do if elected and guess what he has been doing it. Granted he is not a politician and most of the time is really blunt with what he says but he has everyone's attention. He has talks with or dealt with the north Koreans, Vietnam, Russia, Iraq, Syria, China, Mexico head on which none of the other presidents did. He has also shaken the boat in both houses to the point some of the elected officials are worried that they will lose their jobs because they cannot work with each other. Here's the deal if the Democrats cant get their party together they will loose the election to Trump again. :-)

I'm not sure why people say he's not a politician. It is his first time in public office, but he's been a public figure and has been involved with politics forever. The only thing i can think of is people not in ny arent used to him being in the news.

I'm guessing he never specifically promised NOT to obstruct justice, so he didn't break any promises there.

I dont know how many democrats are afraid of losing their job specificall because of trump seeing what happened in the mid term election. Looks like trump might though. If the republicans in the senate dont just keep in step with him.

I can respect aggressive diplomacy as a legitmate strategy. I would prefer someone less corrupt to run it though.

Your getting politician and politics confused. Everyone is into politics even you but as I said Trump was not a politician and never held a government job prier to being president. Here again my statement was taken out of context I said "Elected officials of both houses" not Democrats or Republicans and the reason that I stated this is that they swore to protect the United States and its citizens form enemy's,external and internal and to follow orders from their commander and chief, who at this time is Donald Trump and some of them dont think they have too they will see. Here's the last thing Trump wasn't elected just by the white population, Woman, Minorities, Legal Immigrants, Native Americans(whom I am a part of) and others helped put Trump into office and the reason was his promise to deal with the border and all the illegal immigrants also to get Americans back to work with fair trade policies, start fixing the infrastructure and to deal with those countries that want to start wars and he has been doing that. Trump is also the only sitting president to cross over the DMZ to north Korea and meet with the president of that country. Trump is going to be hard to beat.

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TheClue wrote:

Your getting politician and politics confused. Everyone is into politics even you but as I said Trump was not a politician and never held a government job prier to being president.

I think people say "he's not a politician" as if this was a positive thing, implying that his hands are somehow clean of some background corruption that comes with being a politician. I don't think the people who bring that up are doing it just to point out that he has no experience. Maybe you mean it to excuse his "lack of political correctness."

TheClue wrote:

Here again my statement was taken out of context I said "Elected officials of both houses" not Democrats or Republicans and the reason that I stated this is that they swore to protect the United States and its citizens form enemy's,external and internal and to follow orders from their commander and chief, who at this time is Donald Trump and some of them dont think they have too they will see.

I'm not sure what you mean by this, I was disagreeing, not taking out of context. Also, if you're referring to Congressmen, they don't take an oath to follow the President. They don't have to do anything the President says.

TheClue wrote:
Trump is going to be hard to beat.

Incumbent office holders are historically extremely hard to beat, but I think if Biden gets the nomination and the whole collusion thing gets the attention it deserves he'll probably lose. I say that not because Biden is the best person for the job, only because he's the most electable. I'm pretty cynical when it comes to how people vote.

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I can not fathom that the majority of Americans are going to keep a President, Republican or Democrat, that separates immigrant children and keeps them in cages. Shame on us if we do. The whole world is watching.

Dr. ralph club zps9ornptsl
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I don't have a problem with keeping criminals in cages, there are jails everywhere. It's what happens when you break the law, and we only keep ILLEGAL immigrants in cages. Big difference. Should we send their children off alone?

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By the FBI's own estimation there are over 110,000 Russian spies living here in the US. They are not citizens of this country and they crossed into our borders illegally. Why are we making absolutely zero effort to round them up and deport them? You want to know why?? Because they are white and have money; both of which our President loves more than getting urinated on by *********pornstars.

Dr. ralph club zps9ornptsl
(2 weeks after post)
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What have you got against white people with money soco? Ha ha haaaaa. Actually there is one white person with money he'd like to deport, that crazy f bomb dropping, purple hair wearing, GLAAD LGBTQ poster child Megan Rapinoe.

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