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We have Covid-19!

Yes...seriously! There are three adults in the house but only one has tested positive. He was fully vaccinated prior to testing positive. We are all quarantined for 10 days. In addition, on day 4 he received the Regeneron monoclonal antibody which helps mitigate symptoms so we don't have to go to a hospital which is already swamped with unvaccinated idiots some of whom decided on their own to take a livestock deworming medicine.
So my question is this: how long before we can resume normal activity? I have yet to find any information on the Internet regarding steps going forward.

Thanks for your prayers as well. Peace and love.

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(15 hours after post)
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The vaccinated will always test positive. Doesn't matter how "inert" the formula is - it's in you.
Moniter the symptoms over the passing days. Keep a journal.
As for going back to normal activity, that's something that will never happen. The best plans to make are none. It's always going to be about the virus and the next inexhaustible thing you must comply to.
My question is; are you vaccinated?

05ad6afe 1f85 4c4a 8680 4f73a3c1f45c
last online: 01/23, 5:07
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Those are cdc guidelines. Your state will have specific guidelines, or quarantine requirements on their health department website (i would hope).

Your doctor should be able to tell you too.

1581744157174 1581744149313 miss bot
last online: 03/19, 3:49
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Anonymous wrote:
The vaccinated will always test positive. Doesn't matter how "inert" the formula is - it's in you.
Moniter the symptoms over the passing days. Keep a journal.
As for going back to normal activity, that's something that will never happen. The best plans to make are none. It's always going to be about the virus and the next inexhaustible thing you must comply to.
My question is; are you vaccinated?

Is this finding based on science and facts or simply your opinion? Reread the post. Yes, everyone is vaccinated as stated in the post.

1581744157174 1581744149313 miss bot
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Lano wrote:


Those are cdc guidelines. Your state will have specific guidelines, or quarantine requirements on their health department website (i would hope).

Your doctor should be able to tell you too.

Thank you Lano. I read most of what the CDC website has but I did not find anything about post the 10 day quarantine period.

Follow up: The other 2 adults in the residence have tested NEGATIVE. So only 1 adult has tested positive. Their quarantine period expires on Wednesday.

(1 day after post)
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soco wrote:
Is this finding based on science and facts or simply your opinion?

This is based on common sense but if I have to say it, my opinion, science and facts are one in the same.

It's simple: At first there is nothing (no "virus") in your body. And then you put it into your body in a modified form that you have no clue about, but then turn and say to me, "is this your opinion or science and facts?" It's based on the facts and physics of what it is to receive a vaccine.
What would you call it?
How many years of trials and understudy has it gone through? Was it approved? What was the control used to validate approval? Who are the CEOs involved with the FDA? With the new "Delta Variant" how effective is your current vaccine going to be? What are the long term side effects? How many boosters am I going to "need" every year?
Meanwhile, I'm the bad guy people run from because I am disease and virus free? (Gut busting laughter with pointed finger).
FOUCHI: "Wear two masks and get three vaccinations and prepare for the Delta formula."
SHEEPOLE: "You're a stupid idiot and don't know what you're talking about!"

Sure. I have already prayed for you and will continue to do so on an on-going basis.

20201024 182842
(1 day after post)
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We are not vaccinated and have had the virus with nothing more than a mild cold and thats it. Not getting anything that alters our immune system. Here is a fact for you we are just one life form on this planet and subject to Natural Selection (Read up on it). Nature will do what it wants, when it wants and man has no control over it. If you body cannot adapt to this virus "Shots or not" then you will die. Plain and simple. Get over it, man is not superior and never will be. Have a great day!!!

1581744157174 1581744149313 miss bot
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TheClue wrote:
We are not vaccinated and have had the virus with nothing more than a mild cold and thats it. Not getting anything that alters our immune system. Here is a fact for you we are just one life form on this planet and subject to Natural Selection (Read up on it). Nature will do what it wants, when it wants and man has no control over it. If you body cannot adapt to this virus "Shots or not" then you will die. Plain and simple. Get over it, man is not superior and never will be. Have a great day!!!

How do you know you had Covid-19? Were you tested?

05ad6afe 1f85 4c4a 8680 4f73a3c1f45c
last online: 01/23, 5:07
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TheClue wrote:
Get over it, man is not superior and never will be. Have a great day!!!

I agree with this completely. That hasn't stopped the vaccine from saving lives.

TheClue wrote:
If you body cannot adapt to this virus "Shots or not" then you will die. Plain and simple.

Respectfully, there is a lot of statistical evidence that proves that this is not true. Here is one article among hundreds i found from a simple google search:


Im gonna bow out and turn off notifications on this before the drama kicks off again have a nice day ya'll

20201024 182842
(2 days after post)
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soco wrote:

TheClue wrote:
We are not vaccinated and have had the virus with nothing more than a mild cold and thats it. Not getting anything that alters our immune system. Here is a fact for you we are just one life form on this planet and subject to Natural Selection (Read up on it). Nature will do what it wants, when it wants and man has no control over it. If you body cannot adapt to this virus "Shots or not" then you will die. Plain and simple. Get over it, man is not superior and never will be. Have a great day!!!

How do you know you had Covid-19? Were you tested?

Yes first my oldest brought it home from work (Got tested)then the rest of us got it and we where tested about 5 days later(all Positive)

Happy earth
(2 weeks after post)
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Several of my friends and family members, all vaccinated, have had it. One was briefly hospitalized but recovered quickly. The rest quarantined at home and recovered. Before the vaccine was available I had a few friends caught it and were sick for weeks or months. Thankfully, my unvaccinated mom has not caught it. Also I'm thankful she didn't become antivax until all her children were grown.

(1 month after post)
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After the isolation period, you can go back to normal function

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