92 replies, Replies 61 to 70

I feel like I have no energy and also I have some strange sore on my right face near eye and cheek area , why is that?

NaCtHoMaN wrote:
did you get knocked out?


Rockster160 wrote:
Lack of energy can be a result of too much sugar, not enough exercise, or other diet/health issues.

The sore could be a pimple of some sort? I know people that move around a lot in their sleep. My momโ€™s famous for waking up with huge crazy bruises now and then from either falling out of bed or doing something else weird in her sleep...

I think I have enough sugar... not enough exercise maybe... other health issues maybe.

I dont think it was cause by moving around because different areas of my face have been paining since I woke up..

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I've always wanted to join the gym!

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Best place to donate clothing?

I gave my unwanted clothing to my good friend lol

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Best place to donate clothing?

CarolineFCY wrote:
Hey, yeah! Church is a good spot. My mom donates to Salvation Army, but ahh, I've heard stories.

What kind of stories??

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Have you changed since help closed years ago?

I was a student worrying about working in the future , now I'm working and it's not so bad as of this point.

I was living in UK and now I'm living in Asia.

I used to post a lot of anonymous posts seeking help but now I mostly help others without posting anonymously (on this site and others)

I used to not go out at all apart from going to school due to living in an isolated area without much resource and now I go out a lot more and I live in a city.

I used to have an extremely bad relationship with every single person who are directly related to me but now we seem to have recover our relationships.

I used to think no one cares about me but now I realise my family do care about me and I found my best friend in the world.

I used to be gullible and naive but after being betrayed by a trusted friend and scammed by another person whom I also trusted I think I'm wiser, more careful and I'm not going to trust someone base on feelings anymore.

I used to be constantly anxious about life, but now I'm more confident and try to help those who are anxious.

My phone used to be an LG with function limited to calling and texting only , now I use a smart phone !

I used to draw with paper and water colour but now I draw with my wacom tablet.

This post makes me realise the positive changes in my life! I like it very much, thank you.

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Iโ€™ve really missed this website!

I have been here since 2005 :) I remember I was still a 6th former back then ! Time flies !!!

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All this time....

Sometimes I'll try to plan a lot of activities for myself to do in order to distract myself like going swimming , drawing and writing, they don't always work but it's good when they do.

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All this time....

Are you ok?

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Cake mix cookies - why do my cookies turned out either burnt or are too liquid?

Yes I agree, I was making strawberry cookies so I don't want them to have yellow colour !

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Cake mix cookies - why do my cookies turned out either burnt or are too liquid?

Rockster160 wrote:
You can make cookies from cake mix? Sounds dangerous... I usually just make the cookies from scratch. ๐Ÿ˜‹

I should have done that I guess !!!

ProffVampy wrote:
burnt - likely heats too high so round the edge is burnt and the middles not quite done.
too liquid - probably not enough flour/sugar

also try changing up the type of sugar you use as they produce different results.

Thanks!! I probably didn't put enough ingredient then... I put 100g less cake mix then I was supposed to...

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