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Cake mix cookies - why do my cookies turned out either burnt or are too liquid?

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turned, cookies, mix, burnt, liquid
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Cake mix cookies - why do my cookies turned out either burnt or isare too liquid?

(25 minutes after post)
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You can make cookies from cake mix? Sounds dangerous... I usually just make the cookies from scratch. ๐Ÿ˜‹

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(1 hour after post)
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burnt - likely heats too high so round the edge is burnt and the middles not quite done.
too liquid - probably not enough flour/sugar

also try changing up the type of sugar you use as they produce different results.

(7 hours after post)
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Rockster160 wrote:
You can make cookies from cake mix? Sounds dangerous... I usually just make the cookies from scratch. ๐Ÿ˜‹

I should have done that I guess !!!

ProffVampy wrote:
burnt - likely heats too high so round the edge is burnt and the middles not quite done.
too liquid - probably not enough flour/sugar

also try changing up the type of sugar you use as they produce different results.

Thanks!! I probably didn't put enough ingredient then... I put 100g less cake mix then I was supposed to...

It's a fairly narrow window for perfection in my experience - textbook tip is "when golden-brown", then let them cool on the rack, hardening as they do. Ovens differ, so I refrain from relying on time other than my own measurements - just stick around and check frequently.

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Yes I agree, I was making strawberry cookies so I don't want them to have yellow colour !

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Maybe it's the pan your using or the temperature is off

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Tip: Preheat the pan and make smaller batches. 6-12 at a time. Not 47.

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I'd say that because you're using cake mix, your method is going to be slightly different than either recipes call for. It's been a while since I've done much baking (my oven is broken and my housing people won't replace it due to my lease possibly ending in the next 3 months), but I've never used cake mix for cookies.

I preferred basic butter cookies myself, which can be cheaply made with egg, margarine (I don't know the quantities for using actual butter) flour (plain, not self-raising) and egg. It makes about 12-16 cookies if I recall correctly.

The drawbacks to that recipe is...I ended up eating the mixture 9/10 times before they made the oven.

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You know there are pretty little girls all dressed in green on every corner right now selling these things called Girl Scout cookies.. that's where mine have been coming from lately. Never burnt or liquidy, I like the Samoa's and my wife likes the Thin Mints in case you buy extras.

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