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How do you know when you have found the one?

You only need to know the taste of dust and ash to realize the depth of someone's love for you.

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How do you know when you have found the one?

**PamelaAnn** wrote:

And the thought of maybe HAVING to be without them wreaks havoc on your heart and soul..oh yes.

Well....you need a heart and soul to begin with because the only havoc that could happen is the one that come from lies.

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What song do you have stuck in your head?

๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿ˜‰ Here we go loop-de-loop


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What song do you have stuck in your head?


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Keep a night jug next to your bed... It helps save the jog to the bathroom and you can get to sleep asap.
When you wake up for the day, just empty and rinse.
Good luck.

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a different version of you exists in everyone who knows you.

So much for the horses mouth.

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How do you know when you have found the one?

When you want him as the sire of your kids.

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Well, Cara - uh, Pam, I'm sure that is no longer a real matter.

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Suggest an avatar for me?

DocteurRalph wrote:
The smiley earth is pretty neat. I was thinking more along these lines though. http://www4.pictures.zimbio.com/gi/Amalie+Wichm...

Hey, Doc, I could do some photo shop work on the gray shirt of hers....๐Ÿ‘€

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Gift card guilt.

I wend grocery shopping one day. Total was 60-something dollars and change. Paid with exact change in cash.
But when the brainless cashier began counting, she came across....one Canadian quarter...
"I'm sorry we don't take Canadian coins."
I said, "Sure you do -"
"No, sir, I'm afraid we don't."
I said, "If it makes you feel better, I can take my U.S. currency back and leave you with the honor of putting these groceries back...."
She said, "Please wait a minute." She picked up the phone and began talking to her manager. A couple minutes later she hung up.
"We've decided to honor the quarter," she said as she gave it back.
"Oh really?" I said. "Okay, you do that," and then I took my groceries and went out to my truck to put them away.
I sat in my truck looking at this Canadian quarter and I blew my stack. I began fishing around in my change and grabbed a handful of pennies.
I found myself back at the cashier requesting to talk to the very manager she spoke to.
Soon the manager and I met at the customer relations counter and I explained to him that I was a long time shopper that had spent thousands on their overpriced goods. I told him I didn't appreciate how the cashier made a big deal over the foreign quarter.
"Let's just stop the show and make a spectacle of it and waste my time!"
"Well, sir we honored the quarter!"
"You're missing the point. First, she holds up the show over a quarter, secondly she makes a spectacle by making a phone call to you look like a crisis rapeline call to S.T.A.R. and thirdly, you just reduced all the *******fucking money I ever spent here, down to nothing, makinkg me look like a welfare case, by 'honoring' my quarter - but, you didn't even have the decency to keep it." And I slapped the Canadian quarter down on the counter.
"Sir, the Canadian quarter has less value than the U.S. quarter -"
"So you're saying the Canadian quarter does have value, but not as much?"
"Then why give it back? Instead of taking a loss on an entire 25 cents, the difference would have only been 2 or 3 pennies..."
Then a look came over his face, and I continued talking as I laid out three more pennies on the counter.
"I am not here because of a Canadian quarter, I am here because of the ****shit you sent me through over three penny difference and you're looking at someone who is willing to share every moment of this dread with you. Make sure you play this video at your next board meeting and get it worked out."
And pointing at the change on the counter, "Meanwhile, I owe you 25 cents....I suggest you take it."
....And he did.
I'm sorry. What was your post about?๐Ÿ˜‹ Just kidding.

I brought you this story for a reason - you weren't unreasonable. What people dislike the most are those people who always accept the kinks of the system which was decided upon by people.
What all the CEO's and managers would like you to believe is they are a victim and it's outta their hands. But the system isn't a mindless machine - it is decided upon by people every day.
So...what determines a 'bad guy?'

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