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How do you know when you have found the one?

I've been single all my life and I was wondering how you know when you're in love?

P.S I'm a 25 year old female. I've chosen to be single for religious reasons.

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Since writing this post Anonymous may have helped people, but has not within the last four (4) days.
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single, reasons, religious, female, chosen
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Happy earth
(33 minutes after post)
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"When you know, you know. You know?"

I don't believe in "the one" but I wish you success in your search.

last online: 01/25, 20:20
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When you want him as the sire of your kids.

Dr. ralph club zps9ornptsl
(2 hours after post)
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I think people have a biological time clock. When you hit 25 suddenly you start thinking if I'm going to have kids it's time to get on the ball. I know I did. I never thought about getting married and chased off some incredible women but suddenly when I was 27 I was tired of the whole thing and wanted to settle down and have a family. I'm not sure she was the one but she was the one I was with and we have been together 31 years now so it all worked out.

Help me with:

I need help.

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(8 hours after post)
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It’s a difficult thing, to know. It basically comes down to the fact that if you’re both compatible with one another, meaning that you both feel attraction and can stand each other’s personalities, as long as you put effort into the relationship it will work out.
Staying single for whatever reason until the /right/ person comes along has its ups and downs. There is usually trial and error in these sorts of things, and you learn something valuable from each person.

I agree with the biological clock mentality.
I’m planning to have my first child at 25/26, and maybe a second by 27/28. I refuse to have a child after 30, really I don’t want to have kids after 26 - risk of defects start increasing exponentially after 25 if I remember right. If I can’t have a child before then (physically incapable), I’ll adopt or just get lots of cats.

Original Poster
(10 hours after post)
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Thank you all for your comments. I appreciate it. Thanks for being respectful. You guys are great! 🙂

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(11 hours after post)
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I realize that this will be an obscure answer, but--When you do find the ONE, you will no longer have to ask that question HOW DO YOU KNOW.
You just know.
It is so simple.
Sometimes it is amazing just how simple the answer is.
Do you care more for him than you do for yourself?
Good luck, Anonymous.

last online: 11/28, 9:31
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When he makes you happy, not sad.

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Are you currently seeing someone? When you think about this special someone more and more when you are apart, that should be a good sign your heart is wanting his presence in your life on a permanent basis.

It should also strengthen your faith in your God as opposed to weakening it.

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(2 days after post)
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When you can't live without them

7536 10203091116829874 2001744637 n
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BuckingFastard(JN) wrote:
When you can't live without them

And the thought of maybe HAVING to be without them wreaks havoc on your heart and soul..oh yes.

last online: 01/25, 20:20
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**PamelaAnn** wrote:

And the thought of maybe HAVING to be without them wreaks havoc on your heart and soul..oh yes. need a heart and soul to begin with because the only havoc that could happen is the one that come from lies.

7536 10203091116829874 2001744637 n
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Yes, AAA (ml)
It is really quite enough.
Which is why it is soooo important to making every single day count.

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(2 days after post)
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AAA wrote:

**PamelaAnn** wrote:

BuckingFastard(JN) wrote:
When you can't live without them

And the thought of maybe HAVING to be without them wreaks havoc on your heart and soul..oh yes.

- or....the thought of losing them suddenly or tragically stops your heart long enough to nearly kill you.

**PamelaAnn** wrote:
Yes, AAA (ml)
It is really quite enough.
Which is why it is soooo important to making every single day count.


Spot on.

Not everyone finds their one true love.
If you're lucky enough to do you need to treasure every moment.
Don't let life and stress get in the way.

Memorize every detail of their face, every trait, every smile, every look and touch.
The way they smell, how their hand feels in yours, that smile they have just for you.

You never know when it mày be your last time to see those things

Very few people find the one for a 2nd time.

last online: 01/25, 20:20
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You only need to know the taste of dust and ash to realize the depth of someone's love for you.

(5 days after post)
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you know you have found the one when you can't get rid of them. they won't go away. they always stick around. you'll uproot and destroy your life to get rid of them and everything will blow up and go away except them. that person will be the only thing left standing. even when you want it to end you won't be able to. no matter how much you wish one of you would go away forever, you can never get away from them. that's how you know. if you have to ask, you haven't found it for sure yet

Hiippie chick beautiful
(6 days after post)
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..."if you have to ask, you haven't found it for sure yet"

That is the purest reply yet...
I agree completely.

But the rest that you said was a little baffling..." no matter how much you wish one of you would go away forever, you can never get away from them"
But if they ARE the one, why would you WANT to get away from them, eh?

Original Poster
(6 days after post)
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I am currently not seeing anyone but I'm at a point in my life where I'm starting to think more about my future and if I will find someone that is compatible to me

Hiippie chick beautiful
(1 week after post)
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Ohhh, Anonymous...You will definitely find someone for yourself. Most likely when you least expect it. I believe it only happens when you relax and stop looking for love. And there it will be...See, it has been there all along....You were too busy searching to see it...
I wish you everything, Anon...
Be happy....It's right there for the taking.... 💚

Anonymous edited this post .

How do you know when you have found the one?¬ ¬ I've been single all my life and I was wondering how you know when you're in love?¬ ¬ P.S I'm a 25 year old female. I've chosen to be single for religious reasons.

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