1,951 replies, Replies 1,501 to 1,510

Sometimes you just have to tell people how much you appreciate them for being around and putting up with you.

Helper wrote:
Thank you for your avatar :)

Aww - well thank you for saying so! I've been considering something more special for you but I have to determine how practical I can make it. What is it?... Hmmmm, you'll just have to wait and see!๐Ÿ˜‰

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So we have to come to a decisionโ€ฆ Helptogo is being shut down, and they have offered us to buy the domain, and more importantly the info (as helptogo does still have all the old posts from the

soco wrote:
The other issue I see is of privacy. Several old members have passed and others have been made aware of this site yet have decided not to return. I believe that having their past being reopened on here would not meet with their approval. We need to see past our own wants and think of others.

In the spirit of the orignal Help(.)com AND this one, historic members don't get a voice in the matter. For the most part, they knew then, as it is now, that accounts don't close. Hypothetically, if the orignal Help had continued, it would have continued on without them. Further, the few that would love to have their history erased do not compare with the many which have made invaluable Posts in the past. Eddieee, as an example with his poetry and Cathetel also with hers and the many Posts of incredible interest.
I could go even further yet but I shall digress here.

sophieshizuko wrote:
To be honest ..... with so many people that has moved on with their lives you are better off without the old data and starting afresh like you have.

Consider my statement to Soco.

Helper wrote:
But how many of us actually read through the old data?

I used to spend hours walking through the abondend halls of the former Posts - some of them from the very beginning - even responded to several that were like...5 & 6 years old and surprisingly some that were never given attention to in the day of their listing. Even more surprisingly, some of those people were drawn back to Help, awed they got a reply after so many years.
People may find it strange given the day we live in (even back then), but they like a positive follow up, even better late than never, it makes them feel special.
The old posts were like a mirror, contrasted with the present time (at that time before the CBS bomb dropped).
It also caused me to wonder how many people we didn't know about, who came back years later to see their own Posts in reflection to the times which moved on.
Just something to consider.

Aeolian wrote:
I really wholeheartedly agree with big al

Thanks Robbie. I once considered selling used cars....

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So we have to come to a decisionโ€ฆ Helptogo is being shut down, and they have offered us to buy the domain, and more importantly the info (as helptogo does still have all the old posts from the

I'm not for the domain name in the least.
The historical posts would be nice though.
I would say get a hold of the people who have the orignal Help(dot)com name and see if they would be willing to sell. If not, so be it.
This name is fine and bears a fresh reputation.

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Its hard for me to know how to retort to ass wipes.

Haters will hate and Facebook is just a stark reality of what people are in the inside.
Vain, perfect lives, selfies that would fill volumes of real albums.
The tender mercies of the wicked are hard indeed.
I'm not saying this about all Facebook users because there are people who just want to be what they are - a person.
Like Eddieee says: "own your position."
You can't have everyone "like" you. You can't be so soft as to become a doormat, either.
The same thing also happens at You Tube. Commenters will gang-bang someone who has made a pure and simple remark of goodness. They don't find it so funny when I start remarking on their channel account.
Like Sophie says: "Block them."

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Anxiety and morning sickness.

Anonymous wrote:
How will I shake this on going fear that a seizure is about to come on?

When it actually has happened I've done everything correctly so the fear is not exactly rational. But very much present

Become familiar with that fear. It's going to happen - someone is going to have a seizure at some point. It's a matter of building your confidence that you can address that issue when it happens.

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Any suggestions to help pick up the usage of help

Dolly wrote:
Help gave me people to talk to
A reason to stay unwell
A club for the mentally unstable
Friends I still talk to everyday

I wonder if it is for the best to wish the site to grow? Or if it is time for a last goodbye

There are those who need to blame others as an excuse for their own lack of accountability.
You question the growth of the site the same way some people don't want to face the truth.

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Does anyone know any good dating sites for Christians or a way of finding any others online?

Dolly wrote:
I will continue to be with my partner for as long as the relationship is healthy strong vibrant.

...and when times come and the relationship isn't as healthy, strong or shiny -

Dolly wrote:
I endeavour to have to end our relationship if it is not serving us both.


Dolly wrote:
Go what distance?


- Because the unity of the Christian relationship serves God, not the self. Casting your partner off isn't much of an option on cloudy days.

- written
Anxiety and morning sickness.

Anonymous wrote:

Big-Al-One wrote:
Isn't morning sickness link to....pregnancy?

yes it can be but isn't in this case

I see.
It's usually more difficult seeing someone go through something rather than going through it ourselves. Just know you'll be there for them- it's mostly out of your hands to begin with.

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Does anyone know any good dating sites for Christians or a way of finding any others online?

Dolly wrote:
Our family's don't have any goats to trade tho so it could never be a traditional wedding anyway

A common remark of low caliber - doesn't affect my posterity any. Many people don't want to go the distance and that's fine for those without faith.

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Does anyone know any good dating sites for Christians or a way of finding any others online?

Dolly wrote:
Different strokes for different folks. Never considered this post was asking how to find someone to marry? But I guess that is a Christian thing for some...

Dating implies something more than just being friends.
The "friends with benefits" is fine for a world without restraint.

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