171 replies, Replies 51 to 60

Other than guessing from language, can anyone tell who the anonymous posters are?


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Other than guessing from language, can anyone tell who the anonymous posters are?

NIce...like a green saw blade... ๐Ÿ˜Š

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There ya go...and a lot more fun, too....personally speaking.

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Other than guessing from language, can anyone tell who the anonymous posters are?

It's not even pretty! ๐Ÿ™

edited and resent.

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Ahhhh...do you still skate?

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Other than guessing from language, can anyone tell who the anonymous posters are?

No. No avvy. ๐Ÿ˜Ž

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It was released sometime close to 1980, I think...Just another one that I heard while Mama was cleaning house...Where were you in 1980, BA that you missed this one?

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LOL...I know the feeling...Not mad....just a little crunchy sometimes...lol

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Yeah, BA....He sure did at the Royal Albert Hall...it is GREAT!!

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Yeah, Doc....he sure is...That was a really great scene in LET IT BE.

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