171 replies, Replies 71 to 80

post closed post closed Thanks

Absolutely gorgeous song, BA...Thank YOU for sharing....We need more beautiful songs like these still today... ๐Ÿคซ ๐Ÿคซ ๐Ÿคซ

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Do you believe in soulmates?

It *WAS* a nice dream.

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Have you changed since help closed years ago?

YES on the change.

I have always wanted to be a loner...I chose to be that way.

But now I am actually happier than I have ever been...I find it much easier to breathe again....I do NOT feel so alone anymore...I smile a lot...chatter a lot...just....HAPPIER....I'll leave it at that for now.

I will say this though....When somebody makes you feel GREAT about yourself, treat them the same way...and you realize what happens to your heart....it comes alive.

I wish this for each and every one of you on this site.

PEACE and LOVE......Cara

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send me to space

Sweat hogs???????????? LOL....hahahahahahahahaha......gristle...

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send me to space

LOL! YEah, Jebus...but YOU get to walk around with a sweetheart...

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send me to space

You just have a way with words...Honest...to the point...KUDOS!!!!!

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send me to space

BIG-AL-ONE wrote:

Nevermind wrote:
I'm sorry. I have no $$$. I can send you around the block for a good walk though

With that said, you just won the internet!

AGREE completely!! So sweet and honest...rare these days... ๐Ÿ™‚

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Post closed.

Oh Pep!! I hope that you can find some peace with this soon. I know that it has to be killing you inside. Maybe a decision can be made and you can just move on...IF she doesn't answer you at all, maybe that decision has been made.
Please take it easy.... ๐Ÿ˜Ÿ

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send me to space

Nevermind...LOL!! Yep it sure will be the end of us. Jebus will "phone home" and tell them all about us "underlings"...They will decide that humans are a terrible danger to the rest of the planets and stars...and BAMMMMMMMM!!!!! Ashes to ashes, dust to dust...LOLLLLL!!!!

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I canโ€™t believe this site is back!

Oh you are off again...
Yes it can be tricky for a woman to leave her email in a shout VERY.
Somehow we need to be on here at the same moment...lol.
I only know of ONE way...but we both have to be on at the same time.
Crazy huh?
I'll be watching for you as much as I can.

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