9d31ab0c 126b 43ec 9ad4 ccc2f4f48a43
last online: 12/22, 22:28
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I can’t believe this site is back!

I joined this site probably when I was 14. I was in the midst of deep depression as a result of some things I went through growing up. This site was my only stability for quite some time and I was upset when it disappeared. A lot has changed since then though. I left my abusive home, went to college, and now am about to move across the country to pursue what I feel is my calling. I have healed so much from my past, and am still healing. I am just so happy to be back here. It feels like I’ve come home.

What’s new with everyone else?

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Since writing this post fuzzysweater may have helped people, but has not within the last four (4) days.
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site, happy, home, feels, healing
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Still doin stuff for starbyface
(28 minutes after post)
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See, this is exactly why I am so glad to see this site again. A lot can happen in a decade, and it is so obvious in your post that you've healed and blossomed. I'm currently going through a hard time myself, anxiety and health-wise, but clearly time heals all wounds. Thanks for being so inspiring, and welcome back!

fuzzysweater edited this post .

I can’t believe this site is back!¬ ¬ I joined this site probably when I was 14. I was in the midst of deep depression as a result of some things I went through growing up. This site was my only stability for quite some time and I was upset when it disappeared. A lot has changed since then though. I left my abusive home, went to college, and now am about to move across the country to pursue what I feel is my calling. I have healed so much from my past, and am still healing. I am just so happy to be back here. It feels like I’ve come home..¬ ¬ What’s new with everyone else?

9d31ab0c 126b 43ec 9ad4 ccc2f4f48a43
(42 minutes after post)
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CarolineFCY wrote:
See, this is exactly why I am so glad to see this site again. A lot can happen in a decade, and it is so obvious in your post that you've healed and blossomed. I'm currently going through a hard time myself, anxiety and health-wise, but clearly time heals all wounds. Thanks for being so inspiring, and welcome back!

Thank you for your kind words! I’m sorry to hear you’re going through a rough time, but it will get better! And, as you probably know, you couldn’t be on a better site to help you 😊

Animation2 2
(1 hour after post)
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Welcome back, Fuzzy. Glad tgings got good for you.

User photo 22810 561248
(2 hours after post)
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yeah this website did help a lot of people to vent and find support... it is nice to see it back

I do hope it is relatively kept secret to be honest, because trolled killed the old website, i believe.

glade to see people doing better :), keep strong everybody and move forward in life

Hiippie chick beautiful
(7 hours after post)
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Fuzzy, you sent me a shout saying that you didn't know if I'd remember you or not....Let me tell you something....It's like I said...a person just does NOT forget someone like you, hon...There is no way. See, when we "met" on HELP, I too was going through some stuff...the loss of my sister...and some friend problems as well...and there you were. Even though you were going through so much yourself, you were there to snatch me out of the horrid depression that I was experiencing...You always had something nice to say...always helpful...When help collapsed, I too went into a state of hitting rock bottom...and it took a lot of hard work to pull myself back up. Thank You, sweetheart. For everything. Right now, I too am in a much better place, thanks to some very special people here now...I don't still have your old email... 😥 ...And mine has changed a few times since we last spoke...
I have kept a log of my emails (always) so i'm going to check to see if I can go back to the original one...i'll let you know shortly...
HAPPY EASTER, Fuzzy....Sending love and hugs.....Cara

last online: 08/21, 7:48
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(8 hours after post)
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I was also at a bad place when I joined the old site. And it was a lifeline! Got not only support, but made friends and managed to grow and heal. Been missing the site and so glad it is back. Warm welcome to everyone. Looking forward to your posts and friendships xx

92c3828f 8408 406a 869f 11dd9739552d
(8 hours after post)
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Welcome back @fuzzysweater !

I’m so glad that your life has turned around into a positive direction! I too joined this site during the midst of a deep depression, it’s amazing to look back 10 years on and think “I made it”.

9d31ab0c 126b 43ec 9ad4 ccc2f4f48a43
(13 hours after post)
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@~CaraMia~ Thank you for so many kind words. We were there for each other, and that was the best part! Glad to hear you are in a better place too. Let me know if you find my email...if not I can give it to you again. Would love to catch up, and Happy Easter!!!

Hiippie chick beautiful
(13 hours after post)
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I looked everywhere,and cannot find the old email...

Happy Easter, hon!

9d31ab0c 126b 43ec 9ad4 ccc2f4f48a43
(13 hours after post)
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Hmmm...could I get it to you in a shout? I vaguely remember something about not sending emails on this site...is that still a thing?

Hiippie chick beautiful
(13 hours after post)
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Oh you are off again...
Yes it can be tricky for a woman to leave her email in a shout VERY.
Somehow we need to be on here at the same moment...lol.
I only know of ONE way...but we both have to be on at the same time.
Crazy huh?
I'll be watching for you as much as I can.

(4 days after post)
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I can't believe someone recreated the site that between Yahoo and MSN messenger I spent a load of time on when I was about the same age as the op.

Well. I still live in the same house, been in 4 long term relationships and still as happy now as I was back then to see this Rock of my youth reincarnated

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