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Do you believe in soulmates?

What if my soul mate is a shitty person?

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person, soul, mate, soulmates, shitty
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Happy earth
(8 minutes after post)
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Your soul mate wouldn't be a shitty person, if soul mates exist. I think there are many compatible people, and two people can decide to become soul mates, but it's not fate or predetermined.

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(26 minutes after post)
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I think I accidentally stepped on your soulmate
I tracked her all through the house!!

6ac6ec97 7651 45c5 b346 63c4b75d6c66
(27 minutes after post)
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I believe you can have more than one soul mate .
I also believe they can be either ***sex.

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last online: 11/28, 9:31
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(27 minutes after post)
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Nevermind wrote:
I think I accidentally stepped on your soulmate
I tracked her all through the house!!

It cant have been mine, he's a dude, but im sure he would deserve it

Animation2 2
(29 minutes after post)
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Yes, I do. I also believe you have more than one

If they are shitty, they aren't a soul mate to ANYONE. Soul mates take care of themselves, their loved ones, and their responsibilities

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last online: 11/28, 9:31
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(30 minutes after post)
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but if everyone has a soulmate, some must be shitty. or maybe not everyone has a soul mate

Happy earth
(34 minutes after post)
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Nix wrote:
but if everyone has a soulmate, some must be shitty. or maybe not everyone has a soul mate

Either everyone has one, or noone does, but they can't be shitty, definitely, at least not from your point of view.

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(41 minutes after post)
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lol its funny, i dreamed about him, the first time in a long time, its been years. ive avoided looking him up on fb since, even though hes never really been on there, but I thought I would try. Anyway, he is on there and it looks like he had another baby earlier this month.

Oddly im kinda crushed. i dont know why i still love him, even though he is the biggest [coconut?] I hate him and love him at the same time.

6ac6ec97 7651 45c5 b346 63c4b75d6c66
(49 minutes after post)
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Nix he’s not your “soulmate” soul mates do treat others like crap.
You was treated like a booty call. He did not and still does not deserve your love.
There is someone out there. Idk when it will happen but it will.

6ac6ec97 7651 45c5 b346 63c4b75d6c66
(49 minutes after post)
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Animation2 2
(1 hour after post)
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Shitty soul mates don't exist because soul mates don't treat people shitty.

If someone is shitty, they just haven't matured to "soul mate phase."

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(2 hours after post)
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I think to have a different view of a soul mate than many.
The "soul mate" is that one best suited for you through all time. Can only be found in the afterlife where all people converge since time began.
Your soul mate may have existed thousands of years ago. Or, is maybe yet to come in a distant future.
Very nary does fortune tend to join the two at the same time and place in this realm.
In the meantime...if you can't be with the one you love, love the one you're with.

(6 hours after post)
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I believe in opportunities for personal growth.

Some people will awaken love in you with no desire to return the favor. Some will treat you like crap. Some will tell you the truth. Some will give you guidance. Some will give you information. Some will give you help. Some will give you their heart.

In spiritual theory, as BA1 mentions, the search for the ideal mate can be seemingly endless as it’s hard to tell when the pairing will take place. For some it might have been a chance gone by as well as we are not always open to what life brings us.

To grow as a human being is painful. So we need to go through quite an ordeal to get understanding of what is worth while and what is not. Many live under the delusion that one can just lull about and everything will come like a destiny or fate.
The work one put in calls upon the future and brings in the needed experiences.

The lessons can be hard to discern as one might be too caught up in an ideal or idea so that one get in the way of it. This is the inherent stupidity in mankind and part of our immaturity. This has nothing to do with age btw.

When one opens up for experiences and start learning, changes come about. It does not always feel like it’s for the better, but that is until the experience is there.
If one refuse all this, one become a shell or a walking dead of which life tends to stay pretty much exactly the same year in and year out.

Hiippie chick beautiful
(7 hours after post)
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It *WAS* a nice dream.

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(22 hours after post)
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Jesus had soul mates. Twelve to be exact. I don't think I need that many.

(1 week after post)
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Yeah, I think there are multiple people meant just for you. The thing is it depends on timing and placing for which one comes first. I don't think that there's just one specific person exactly for anyone.

Think about this, the perfect person for you may be on the opposite side of the world but you may never get there so you have to take what's around you. not saying that's what's going to happen, just something to think about.

But since most people are the same deep down, a relationship really depends on two people changing each other together, growing together, and adjusting together, you know making sacrifices for someone you want to love

Dr. ralph club zps9ornptsl
(1 week after post)
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If by soul mat you mean one perfect person that shares your soul then no. Definitely no.

There are however a lot of shitty people out there that will tell you they are your soul mate just so you will do whatever they want. Don't stay with a shitty person just because of some stupid trippy soul mate crap. There are a lot of people out there that would love to love you and treat you right, even it you happen to be a shitty person.

Help me with:

I need help.

Hiippie chick beautiful
(1 week after post)
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DocteurRalph wrote:
If by soul mat you mean one perfect person that shares your soul then no. Definitely no.

There are however a lot of shitty people out there that will tell you they are your soul mate just so you will do whatever they want. Don't stay with a shitty person just because of some stupid trippy soul mate crap. There are a lot of people out there that would love to love you and treat you right, even it you happen to be a shitty person.

Well now....ain't that just the ever loving end? (Andy Griffith) 😊
Agreed completely, Doc....

Animation2 2
(1 week after post)
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DocteurRalph wrote:
If by soul mat you mean one perfect person that shares your soul then no. Definitely no.

There are however a lot of shitty people out there that will tell you they are your soul mate just so you will do whatever they want. Don't stay with a shitty person just because of some stupid trippy soul mate crap. There are a lot of people out there that would love to love you and treat you right, even it you happen to be a shitty person.

Great reply

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