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last online: 05/03, 21:17
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friend and her family are going to die if they dont get help

im really worried about my friend and Im too poorly to help her very much right now. im scared my friend and her family are going to die if she doesnt get help. she has made a fundraiser and to try and raise money to pay for food and essentials. my friend is severely disabled and has lots of health problems including Severe M.E (possibly very severe), psychosis, major anxiety which exasperates the M.Ea and Autism. her family have alot of health problems too and are struggling to support each other.

the benefit system has messed up her benefits over here in UK. she has tried writing to MPs and had response, asked food banks for help, asked charities for help and lots of other things. they have a social worked involved but she does not know anything else that can be don eto support them at this time.

she struggles massively to communicate and last i heard, her symptoms they were really alarming. they cannot even afford personal care items and this adult female needs continence products. she is fully dependent on her family for her care.her health is declining fast and there is no treatment on our health service over here for M.E. she is unable to afford treatment privately or the means to follow any treatment through.

her sons mental health is deteriorating ALOT. he is only about 6 or 7 (if i remember rightly) and for the past 2 to 3 years they have struggling to gain mental health support in mental hospital for him as he has suicidal idealation. im not sure everything that is going on over there as we both struggle to communicate, but more so herself right now i think. the government funding has been cut over here so there is no funding for a hospital bed for her little boy.

sometimes there money does not fully pay the rent.

my friend and her family could very well soon end up homeless and M.E can kill as it already is without further problems. not to mention that the illnesses that her family have could lead them to death also.
my friend and her family probably will not survive if they lose their home.

i am wondering what to do.. i am sevrely unwell myself and afew times i have already been on the verge of needing to go into hospital to have feedig tube. i have alost died afew times and haad paramedics out i think 4 times since i becm ill with \m.E from severe breathing difficulties and other alarming symptoms.

i am so scared that when i am able to come back online that she will have died. my friend last year commited suicide. she obviously didnt get the support that she needed.. i was unaware how badly she needed the support at the time and too unwell to provide it anyway. but i still feel guilty that if i hadnt relapsed then I might have been able to have been there for her better and she might still be alive.

i know this girl and her family need help and its really hard for me to rest and focus on my own health whilst worrying about her.

money that has already been raised on her fundraiser has laready been spent on things they need.

i wish there were a way to delete that ladys comment left on her fundraiser. im not sure how I, in my position can do this. and if i point it out to my friend then it could triggger more panic attacks. howevere the fundraiser is how she has been surviving. not many are donating on it anymore.

i want to donate but i am also highly deppendent on carers to care for me and my mam deals with my money. i dont know if my mam would allow me to use money on her. times are so scary. i have more money tha she does and i want her to have some. but scary incase the same sort of thing happens to me one day too and if i end up in trouble. the money i have is sort oflike a safety net. but im also fighting to get more support to pay for my care hours as i cnt care for myself properly an now weight about 6 st and 7 lbs. my cognition and all other symptoms and the severity of them vary all the time.

eventually im going to have stop and put myself first, which is what i need to do now. but i really need to pass the book to someone else so they can help make sure my friend doesnt die.

i myself have severe M.E and I am really worried about her. it is making e more sick. but desperately want to help her. i sared her fund raiser and someone left a very awful message on it. my poorly friend is a very minuderstod person but has an absoutely massive heart. she strugglees to express herself the way she wants to or needs to for others on the receiving end to understand. she has taken various people from her friends list because of her own difficulties. M.E also affects cognition. so with mixed cognitive ability, autism and major anxiety it is very easy for her to become very misunderstood and then massively negatively impact on her mental health and all her physical health.

i will try to leave the link to fundraiser in comments if this is ok.

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(18 hours after post)
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I'm sorry your friends are going through all of that.

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(21 hours after post)
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DragonLady wrote:
I'm sorry your friends are going through all of that.

Thank you and thank u 4 taking time 2 read all that

last online: 01/25, 20:20
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Honestly? I think that you care about your friends is what makes you as beautiful as what you are....
From what I can tell, 'lil girl...I think you need to focus on some of your own troubles....just sayin'....

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❤ thank u. U r probably right but what if she dies before she gets help?

last online: 01/25, 20:20
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Jetmoo wrote:
❤ thank u. U r probably right but what if she dies before she gets help?

If she dies before she gets help, her problems are effectively solved. She will be having a better day than you. Her spirit will shine in the presence of our Lord.
Don't give up hope for her. It's always good to care.
But don't forget that you're a worth-while person, too. As selfless as we can be, we can only help others according to our footing....
How is your footing, dear girl? That's what I thought.
I think you understand the rest. Here's a big ))hug((.
Keep healthy.

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(2 days after post)
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Awww ❤ thank u very much.

I told a different friend the mean comments n she made them go away :)

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(3 weeks after post)
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Here is one of her songs that she sung before she became severely unwell. Her voice is so so powerful and so beautiful it makes me cry.

And to think that soon this girl is likely to die. Yet saying good bye isn't exactly the right thing to do.

I can relate to this song so much when my M.E has been most severe.

There is a lot of stigma on mental illness. This is the voice of a girl with one before her M.E got much worse. Worse than mine.

Listen to this.. and tell me that this is not beautiful.

How can I just pretend that she isn't there suffering? How can I over look her. Yet what can I do?

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(3 weeks after post)
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Some of the words I can't make out but goodness me that voice and emotion. Severe M.E has stolen her voice and she has not sung in years.

I wish I could make out the words that I can't make out

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(5 months after post)
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My other friend has pulled through now i just need to keep hope for this one. Please god help her get her universal credits soon and keep her and her family safe. Give them all strength to keep going

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