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What does it mean when a guy says “it wouldn’t be a date”?

Ok. So I kinda have this thing for this guy I work with. Well, I was kinda getting vibes from him but I couldn’t really tell. Well, I also kinda like this other guy who doesn’t work with me. I mean I’m single and I think they’re both cute. The guy I work with seems like he flirts with me a lot. Well today the bosses were talking about prizes to give out. And I said that tickets to a sporting event would be a great gift because it would be a nice first date gift. And one of the managers brought the other guy up (the one who doesn’t work with us). Well, the guy who works with me put me on the spot and asked if I knew anything about the sport or any of the players. He said as a man it’s more impressive if you know things about the sport and the players. To be honest, I don’t know any of the new players but I told them I knew the older players. And my manager told me she thought that was more impressive since I knew the older ones. Well, so not only did he put me on the spot. The guy said well wouldn’t it be better to ask the guy first before getting the tickets? And I said it didn’t matter because if I had them I could take someone else. I didn’t know who and all of a sudden he goes “me.” And I just looked at him and then he said “but it wouldn’t be a date.” And I felt so awkward. I turned around because I’m sure my face gave it away. I mean I feel like that kinda hurt a bit. So, he basically just said he didn’t want to go on a date with me right? It’s awkward.

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work, guy, kinda, date, players
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hate to be the bearer of this suggestion of my assumption..

maybe he's hinting he knows you like him.. but he's not interested :/

on the other hand .. he's perhaps just neggin ya

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Of course it would be a date. He only said that because of the other employees.
He was talking to them more than you.

Billy mills
last online: 02/18, 4:01
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Sounds like he wanted to go with you, but when you didn't say anything he figured maybe you didn't, so he had to say something like that. I don't know what else he could have said in that situation.

Original Poster
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Just wanted to respond that today is his first day back. I’ve just been kinda quiet around him because I still feel a little awkward around him. Well, he’s been trying so hard to talk to me. We had a power outage so all of us were sitting around the office just talking and I said “this would be a good time for me to message people who I haven’t spoken to in a while.” And he, in front of everyone said, “who? All your ex boyfriend’s?” And before I could say something the lady who is over my manager intervened and said “ohh. That took a turn I wasn’t expecting.” I still don’t know what his deal is. I mean why is he saying these things and acting like this? I feel like if he likes me, it’s a weird way to go about it. And the whole ex boyfriend thing, I kinda think he wanted to know who I was messaging or he was/is jealous. Any more ideas?

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I was going to suggest that he's more than likely gay. It's not going to be a date is something girls say, not guys.

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