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Please can people help me write a letter to my social worker?

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Since writing this post Jetmoo may have helped people, but has not within the last four (4) days.
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days, heart, gonna, express, attack
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(4 hours after post)
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Social worker emailed my mam ⬇

Ive taken names out tho.

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(4 hours after post)
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Hi Jessica

I have been given this email address for you from Social Worker _____.

Your previous Social Worker has now left the team. I am now your new Social Worker.

We must complete your annual review by 15/01/2020 and I would need to view the care agencies records to complete this.

I have left a voicemail for your care agency to gain an update but they have not been back in touch yet.

I have received a letter from you handwritten by (care provider) Manager. It starts by saying you are still not ready for your CHC assessment yet.

Thank you

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I think ill end up having a nervous breakdown.......

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I need to write back....

You have emailed my mams email and i am no longer living there. Please can you send corrospondence via post to my own address.

Thats the easy bit. Now how the hell do i do everything else

Jetmoo edited this post .

OkPlease ican have yet another letter to write because thats all my life revolves around. Can people help me brainworkwrite how to express myself?¬ ¬ Im gonna have a heartletter attackto onemy ofsocial these days....worker?

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We must complete your annual review by 15/01/2020

I am not able to have any of my assessments yet because no one knows what all my care needs are and i don't have an up to date careplan.

I need Speech therapist to help me with picture aids to help me express how i need my care and she wont help me.

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(6 hours after post)
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Can I have ____ back as my social worker please? Why do I have a new social worker?

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If you would like to speed the process up then please discuss this with Speech therapist. We are still in the process of trying to get her to help me

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The care agencies records won’t give her the information she needs. They haven’t done all the risk assessments and I don’t have an up to date careplan. The only risk assessment that have been done is on mental health and my mental health had declined because the carer i used to have said she would no longer assist with talking with friends and she would only assist me to communicate with my mam. And she was the only one who really knew who to use Facebook and messenger.

(Back then I was unable to look at any sort of computer light & was entirely isolated)

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The carer notes have a lack of detail and I think they would give a wrong impression.

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I’m scared incase they take my care hours away from me or if my care provider gets in trouble for not doing their job right. If I end up losing them then I will end up being abused again by others who don’t understand me and my illness. I have already been abused a few times by people who did not understand and I’m gonna get abused even more then I’m gonna end up feeling suicidal.

My current provider is happy to support with my private treatment so I don’t want to lose them. I highly doubt that another provider would support me with non NHS treatment and to be honest if I can’t follow treatment to get better than I think I’ll end up feeling suicidal.

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But the social services manager does not listen to me. All my desperate pleas she ignored and my care provider manager actually told the GP that social services were doing their best.

So now people are discussing that my mental health. I had my care manager there to help support me and instead she said they were doing their best even though she had recently told me that social worker should be doing this job.. this is her job.

I feel like she betrayed my trust

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last online: 01/25, 20:20
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I think Yorick did a fine job assisting you - honestly, I don't think I could have done better.

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Slash wrote:
I think Yorick did a fine job assisting you - honestly, I don't think I could have done better.

This is a different letter

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Oh! Okay- I'll look it over right now.

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Thank you. I haven’t really wrote it properly. I need someone to discuss stuff with

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Jetmoo wrote:
I need to write back....

You have emailed my mams email and i am no longer living there. Please can you send corrospondence via post to my own address.

Thats the easy bit. Now how the hell do i do everything else

Jetmoo wrote:
We must complete your annual review by 15/01/2020

I am not able to have any of my assessments yet because no one knows what all my care needs are and i don't have an up to date careplan.

I need Speech therapist to help me with picture aids to help me express how i need my care and she wont help me.

Jetmoo wrote:
Can I have ____ back as my social worker please? Why do I have a new social worker?

Jetmoo wrote:
If you would like to speed the process up then please discuss this with Speech therapist. We are still in the process of trying to get her to help me


I think everything you have written on bold black is a good start. You may want to take time to think of more things to include (only you would know).
Sometimes, you got to write a letter three or four times before it starts to feel right. I think your computer word processor is a good way to help you communicate, and that's what it's all about.

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I’m not coping very well.

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But they want to see my care provider records and they don’t show how I need my care and I could lose my care hours because of them

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If I lose my care provider I think I’ll go commit suicide

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Jetmoo, people tend to move around in the medical field. You may get to know a provider for a while and suddenly she gets married and moves away.
But, the health programs will usually make sure you have a care giver.

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The health services have abused me because they don’t understand my illness

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I have a care provider company and they employ people to work for them. I get along with these carers.

The care provider won’t be going anywhere, but individual carers might.

last online: 01/25, 20:20
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Jetmoo wrote:
The health services have abused me because they don’t understand my illness

How exactly have they abused you?

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Paramedics were shouting at me for struggling breathing and they wouldn’t stop shouting at me. And I couldn’t speak properly and they kept making me repeat myself because I wasn’t talking properly. They could understand what I was saying but they didn’t believe I was struggling so wanted me to “behave” myself and stop pretending and talk normal. “You were talking fine a minute ago”

“Sit up!! You’re gonna fall out the chair!youre in the middle of the street! Your neighbour is watching you!”

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There’s so much more but it’s too much for me

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Do you believe me?

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ive Thought about trying to get another provider along side the one I already have and getting my current provider to help train up the new ones but I don’t know how this would be done. And I don’t ‘ow if it wud b allowed. And o doubt that the second provider would help me to have my treatment. Part of my treatment is self injection of b12 and magnesium that I pay for myself. But I need carers to help take blood pressure and heart rate ect to send my private dr so I can follow my thyroid treatment.

But it’s not NHS and people don’t like to follow what is not NHS and there is no treatment on NHS for people with M.E

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I know it’s hard to understand my illness and everything I’m saying, I’m gonna share some links to try help, if you want to see them.
They barbed down the door and sectioned Sophia for refusing to follow dangerous treatment and they had even been trying to get the mam sectioned as well. Sophia died.
This girl was on ketamine and diamorphine and pain was still not under control. She died and NHS made her worse
This is the MPs talking about NHS inappropriate treatment towards M.E and how it must stop.

This was only happening this year
She is back home now. I don’t know what has been happening since but her mam recorded her screaming in pain because NHS took her pain meds away
⬆️ that’s the mam posting on twitter and the link with the screaming.
⬇️this is her shouting out in agony. Really upsetting to listen to 😢

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(1 day after post)
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My care provider have written me a support letter and it includes some stuff in about social services and CHC and how they were not listening to me. Thats going to really help me. Thank goodness

(1 day after post)
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all this sounds much worse than dmv.. god forbid if i ever have to deal with health officials.. .. which may be coming in a decade or two..

i hope it all comes thru for you jetmoo

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(1 day after post)
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Yorick wrote:
all this sounds much worse than dmv.. god forbid if i ever have to deal with health officials.. .. which may be coming in a decade or two..

i hope it all comes thru for you jetmoo

What is dmv?
Thank you... brsin still loading rest ur words.....

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Ok i processed the rest. Well i an absolutely bug gerd.

Had to scan loads evidence thay carer didnt get to copy thag i asked her to copy. She did some but iive had to a LOAD. Body aches, dizzy... my vision goes blurry..anyway what ti the hell ...

Ok jusy realising im goin off topic here

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Care provider did a support letter which mentioned social workers and chc. So she isnt making a direct complaint but she is still defending me

Just when i was beginning to lose faith she restored it

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Care manager supports im not ready for social services 💓 social services already said they had tried ti contact care provider and not got answer.

So this letter shows she will tell them im not ready.

My care manager also told them that i wanted to be involved in MDT on the phone. Which ofcourse social services did not write down.

But at least i can show the letter to my GP now so he can understand why im reluctant. Yey support from carer boss who also doubles as disabilities nurse

.i think its part cos i screamed n cried day b4 coa stress of life ect n mam communicwtion struggles

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DMV.. in the States .. its DEPARTMENT OF MOTOR VEHICLES. a real pain in the ***ass to register your ID card or obtain car license plates.. etc.

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Definately harder with the health id say
I dont even have the energy 2 do this letter right now in so zzvexhausted

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