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Sometimes I wonder if this site was a plant.

If not now certainly before it closed. Knowledge is power they say. Data is the thing. What better way to collect data than to offer "help"?

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Since writing this post Anonymous may have helped people, but has not within the last four (4) days.
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last online: 05/14, 23:04
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And most of the suicide posts were scripted.
What a waste of time.
Probably all the cutters who disapeared were fake
I think we was had

last online: 01/25, 20:20
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Oh yeah! There's so much traffic and data collecting going on, we're just about to kick Facebook right in ******fuckin little toe.
Stand back, now.

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(4 hours after post)
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I totally know it aswell. Data collecting. I just cant manage without being able to express myself somewhere. I dont like putting stuff online but i dunno how to manage otherwise

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(4 hours after post)
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I remember staying up to 2 and 3 am helping one person called LynneR and she got found out.

I dont think everyone were dishonest but definately were some!! That person has me unwell with anxiety for no reason.

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(4 hours after post)
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@danihatesyou do you remember LynneR? Her son got knocked over and taken to hospital. People wanted to send flowers and there was no one at the hospital with the boys name!

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last online: 05/14, 23:04
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I remember one of the modetators came clean and spilled the beans.
I wont mention names but we were lied to on old help.
Some of the people were real.
The drama cases mostly were all made up.

last online: 01/25, 20:20
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There were also plenty of members with multiple accounts who were pushing the drama button.
Those members who you thought were real, genuine and honest....not by a long shot.

After discovering her lies, one member told me; "Everybody lies." !LOL! She said it with NO APOLOGY, no care or concern for the damage she done - as if doing wrong was okay because everybody else was doing it. A sad excuse from a sad individual.

Yeah....most of you know me as rip-roaring a$$#0!#, but, I'm not gonna lie and who I am here is who I am where ever I go.

last online: 05/14, 23:04
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Slash. Do you remember the women who swore she was a lawyer?
The cat women.
I called her out.
No lawyer is going to be on help 😐24/7
Man she hated me for that.
Shes gone now.
And someone who posted sexy pics of herself.
When asked if that was really her she swore it was until we found out she was using internet pics.
She was actually a guy.
I suspected that all along.
I could understand a little hyperbole. Everyone has a bear story I cant understand blatant lying especially when most of us honest people believed them and poured our hearts and minds to try to help them.
Oh well

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(1 day after post)
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aeolians.revenge wrote:

And someone who posted sexy pics of herself.
When asked if that was really her she swore it was until we found out she was using internet pics.
She was actually a guy.


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But why would somebody do that????

Yes i cant stand compulsive liars. People do it for attention but.. i just dont get it why they would seek it in this way

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(2 days after post)
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Jetmoo wrote:
But why would somebody do that????

Yes i cant stand compulsive liars. People do it for attention but.. i just dont get it why they would seek it in this way

People behave very differently on the internet.

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Jetmoo wrote:
But why would somebody do that????

Yes i cant stand compulsive liars. People do it for attention but.. i just dont get it why they would seek it in this way

If I created a site offering a community of helpers, and then put those helpers to work collecting as much information about your state of mind as I could, I would end up knowing a lot about you personally.

I would know your medical conditions, potential medicines or medical products to market to you, I would be able to back you into a corner and aggressively influence your behavior with such personal facts about you. I would know what's most important to you and what's least important to you across a plethora of topics. Most valuable of all I would know your psychology. I would know what makes you tick. What motivates your decisions and decision making processes.

To answer your question, anyone who wants to sell you anything, or influence your behavior in any way, would find that very valuable. Of course a site like this one would be data gold. It's why I wondered about it in the first place.

Now said person may take what they learn about you, and go out and try to actually solve problems using the data you provided them. They more likely and more easily could just be trying to get rich off of it.

I believe the site was originally owned by CBS(correct me if I'm wrong) and I don't think CBS would necessarily use that kind of personal data except to market or increase profit of their products and services. But I don't remember anything on either version of saying they won't sell it to someone who would use it for other nefarious reasons.

What is this sites policy on the collection of personal data anyway? Is there a link? (I'll look for this on the site of course AFTER I ask here because that's just the way it works sometimes lol)

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That certainly wasnt something i had thought about all those years ago i dont think many of us anticipated that. But i did take the lessons away with me that i learnt. In the end, we havent got to fear but to have faith.

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Jetmoo wrote:
That certainly wasnt something i had thought about all those years ago i dont think many of us anticipated that. But i did take the lessons away with me that i learnt. In the end, we havent got to fear but to have faith.

Well, it's not so much that I was anticipating that you're right. I think some people were either taking the web seriously back then or they weren't. I wasn't. So anything the farmed out of me is some really scary BS LOL

I have to admit though, I did take this site pretty seriously. I'd actually comment about how I really felt or maybe asked for help about some real issues.

If it was all to farm for data they probly got some but even then, I doubt it was as helpful as they'd have thought it'd be.

I came here to dump my hate and anger about issues that caused me to be hateful and angry. They probably would have already known I hated marketers and the psychological games they play. Learning this site may have been a ploy for some, would only make me hate them that much more.

There's not much to be gained there lol

(3 months after post)
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I know that not everyone is what they seem on the internet... but some are

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