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dry humor and sarcasm..

why bother?

is it a form of identifying intellect with a silent laugh?

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laugh, form, identifying, silent, intellect
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Have you tried "the impossible whopper" all girls seem to go, goo goo, ga,ga over....wonder why

last online: 01/25, 20:20
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Dry humor and sarcasm...

Why bother?

Is it a form of identifying intellect with a silent laugh?

It beats the option of being downright nasty?

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another supurb answer keep it up al!

last online: 01/25, 20:20
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What's that song by John Cougar M'Camp?

People are down and out, waiting in the welfare line.
One guy looks back at the other and says, 'Hey man, get a job.'

Sarcasam and dry humor has gotten many people through times that would be nothing but ruin and tears.

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Don Rickles made quite a lot of money using tons of sarcasm.

last online: 01/25, 20:20
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soco wrote:
Don Rickles made quite a lot of money using tons of sarcasm.

I love Don! I remember "Sharkey" Boy, he had a very mean/smart mouth on him.

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