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I’m always so anxious about death.

I’m constantly afraid that my parents, loved ones, pets will pass away and leave me. A constant thought in the back of my mind is “what if this is the last time I see XYZ?”

It doesn’t feel normal the amount I think about it. Do others go through this?

I’m not worried about dying personally, though...

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(2 hours after post)
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death is inevitable. harsh as this may sound.. get used to it.

be ready to grieve if it happens to you, sympathize for others when they go thru and understand that death is not easy for you or anyone. and if its you who died, the unknown will unravel.

personally i deal with it my own way, its something i learn for my self and have this self-realization on how i deal with it in my own personal way.

far as needing something forever, it never is. cherish what you have now, love the memories of the good past when they are gone and always remember.. "theres nothing to fear but fear itself." ( FDR quoted that )

its better for your soul if you have it this way.

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(4 hours after post)
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The thoughts you have about your loved ones and pets are perfectly normal.
The same thing happened to me. I stressed a lot about my mother. The fact was she was slowly dying over the years from congestive heart failure. It was horror beyond words to imagine life without her.
Then, in 2005, she died.
When I was six, she bought me a puppy. A miniature sheltie - a male. We grew up together and had great adventures. He was always there for me, even in those times when I was gone, doing my thing and being dumb. I would come back and there he was, so happy to see me.
One day, I want away...and so did he. Mom didn't tell me what happened until I got back. I was 20-years-old.

It wasn't until my mom died when "Chipper" started showing up in my dreams, usually related to the stress of still missing my mom after all these years.
And, yes - in 2010 - my dad died from cancer. I always have loved my dad but, for reasons not explained, I took his passing much better. Do I miss him? Yes, but not like mom or my four footed friend.

I suggest you make the best time you can with your folks. This will help make it easier for you when the time comes- and it will come.
Most importantly, iron out any grievances and settle any issues you have, before that time comes. This too will help.
From's good to have someone who cares about you. This will get you through some hard times when you begin missing your folks.

A couple of years ago, I was thrown in the trash by someone who I thought cared about me. At my age, it was my last hope. Today has now become one less day spent in this POS world. As for tomorrow....I can only hope my time is next.

So, don't shun others that are also close to you. You'll need them and they will need you.

This is all I know.

(13 hours after post)
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yah well you're not wrong. eventually all of your family and pets and friends will die. you too. of course you're scared of death. and of course ALL others worry about it. me, i worry bout making it passed 45. if i can do that, i'll be doing better than my dad. and i'm already making it longer than some friends i've known.

i spend half my time trying to do better than everyone else, and half my time wishing it'd go ahead and get over with already if this is all life has to offer.

the buddhist think life is suffering. so death must be a relief.

and since they know they're going to die anyway, it makes them pretty happy somehow to be alive i think. i tried that, it didn't work tho. good luck finding a solution to this one!


(1 day after post)
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basically.. dont be afraid.

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(6 days after post)
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Yeah i kinda get that too.

Sometimes id like for life to take me but its not my time.

Faster the world comes to a close the better but it is scary times that i dont wish to see

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