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but too tired to be upset..
so this brings up the question for yall what itty bitty mitty pique of a peeve bothers you?

please do blather away :)

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bothers, mitty, pique, peeve, blather
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05ad6afe 1f85 4c4a 8680 4f73a3c1f45c
last online: 08/10, 2:07
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I hate that people throw their trash everywhere. Meaning out their car on the side of the road or on the sidewalk, etc. When i see a peice of trash on the ground i have to stop myself from picking it up and throwing it out, and sometimes i do anyway. The world is not our trashcan.

05ad6afe 1f85 4c4a 8680 4f73a3c1f45c
last online: 08/10, 2:07
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(34 minutes after post)
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I have lots of pet peeves and i could go on a long time, if only i could remember them.

(48 minutes after post)
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im bettin ur solution for people is .. recycle dammit!

(52 minutes after post)
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or should producers create degradable products that will compost instantly like the staw thing. Such a pos but it works!!

last online: 01/25, 20:20
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NacthoMan wrote:
or should producers create degradable products that will compost instantly like the staw thing. Such a pos but it works!!


A long time ago, things, like juice, came in glass bottles or jugs. Same with sodas - aluminum cans have always been fairly common....

I remember when shopping bags were made of durable brown paper. And candy bars were wrapped in wax paper.
Now days, a candy wrapper will outlive the candy by 500 years. I remember when most companies who sold their goods changed from paper (or cardboard) to plastic, would proclaim how concerned they were for the environment.
Ever since the big change over to plastic wrapping and packaging, plastic is the #1 enemy to the environment and the big corps are to blame.


(1 day after post)
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i humble believe our government should step in and fairly regulate common sense things not snide into some lobbyist corporate favor.

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I hope ur ok

What gets me upset right now?? So many things n it all mounts up. World is a mess. Many wouldnt understand the stuff i get upset about. And people might judge me if i share

(1 day after post)
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small steps.. pls .. no need to accumilate the peeves of everything in all the world itself.

to re-ignight the peeves..

one thing i cannot stand is .. no offense.. women requesting i should put the seat down.. i always say if ladies want the equality they should equally put it down as i equally put it up.. if enough fuss is about it.. im gonna put the whole seat down bahaha.

(4 days after post)
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what itty bitty mitty pique of a peeve bothers me?


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(4 days after post)
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BA1 wrote:

I remember when shopping bags were made of durable brown paper.

LOL! Do you know how much stuff I would have had, if it hadn't have smashed on the ground through one of those flimsy crappy paper bags?

BA1 wrote:

I remember when most companies who sold their goods changed from paper (or cardboard) to plastic, would proclaim how concerned they were for the environment.
Ever since the big change over to plastic wrapping and packaging, plastic is the #1 enemy to the environment and the big corps are to blame.

I completely agree with this though. Except I kinda think we're all to blame.

last online: 01/25, 20:20
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LOL! Do you know how much stuff I would have had, if it hadn't have smashed on the ground through one of those flimsy crappy paper bags?

Hey, paper bags had ratings. In the days when we had full service checkout, the bagger knew when to double sack a paper bag.
In general though, I remember those things being tough and thick!
After the big haul back home, we'd put the grocery bags away all neatly refilled for various uses. Sometimes, there was incentive to bring them back with you for reuse.
And if you happen to see a wind blown paper bag along the side of the highway, you didn't have to feel too guilty because little would be left by summers end.

Img 5499 photo full
(5 days after post)
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NacthoMan wrote:
small steps.. pls .. no need to accumilate the peeves of everything in all the world itself.

to re-ignight the peeves..

one thing i cannot stand is .. no offense.. women requesting i should put the seat down.. i always say if ladies want the equality they should equally put it down as i equally put it up.. if enough fuss is about it.. im gonna put the whole seat down bahaha.

My ex used to pee sitting down so was never a problem. I think its quite gross cos pee splashed back. When i used the toilet instead of commode id always put loo seat down before flushing anyway cos the lityle particles would flu everywhere. I just think its gross. Urine wee wee n do do r just gross lol

Img 5499 photo full
(5 days after post)
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Anonymous wrote:

what itty bitty mitty pique of a peeve bothers me?


That picture bothers me ๐Ÿ˜‚ not even kiddin. Uhh! ๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ™ˆ i need a cave to migrate to

Fb img 1591105178602
(6 days after post)
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NacthoMan wrote:
i humble believe our government should step in and fairly regulate common sense things not snide into some lobbyist corporate favor.

We had such regulations in place, but that moron came along and destroyed them all!

last online: 01/25, 20:20
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jjlove01 wrote:

NacthoMan wrote:
i humble believe our government should step in and fairly regulate common sense things not snide into some lobbyist corporate favor.

We had such regulations in place, but that moron came along and destroyed them all!

Common sense....
Common sense.

Only fools rush in where angels fear to tread and to imagine that the government has "common sense" is playing a dangerous game and made further dangerous by assuming it should regulate that which it does not have.

Common sense is already naturally regulated because common sense is not common.

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(6 days after post)
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BA1 wrote:

jjlove01 wrote:

NacthoMan wrote:
i humble believe our government should step in and fairly regulate common sense things not snide into some lobbyist corporate favor.

We had such regulations in place, but that moron came along and destroyed them all!

Common sense....
Common sense.

Only fools rush in where angels fear to tread and to imagine that the government has "common sense" is playing a dangerous game and made further dangerous by assuming it should regulate that which it does not have.

Common sense is already naturally regulated because common sense is not common.

What do you have against fresh water and air?

last online: 01/25, 20:20
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What do you have against fresh water and air?


Why do you think government should be allowed to regulate it?

(6 days after post)
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What do you have against fresh water and air?


Why do you think government should be allowed to regulate it?

So a water company is required to be further accountable and have a standard of quality so it's harder for them to cut down the quality of drinking water for the sake of lower spending or cutting costs? So that we can have clean drinking water? For example maybe?

There's nothing wrong with regulations. There can be something wrong with over-reaching regulations.

But I'd rather everyone be watching the water company to make sure they do a good job so that we have clean drinking water. Is it weird to some people that some of us think it's okay to have some regulations that make sense?

I'm sorry but ****shit like that should be common sense to everyone...

WHY isn't it? o.O

(6 days after post)
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Jetmoo wrote:

NacthoMan wrote:
small steps.. pls .. no need to accumilate the peeves of everything in all the world itself.

to re-ignight the peeves..

one thing i cannot stand is .. no offense.. women requesting i should put the seat down.. i always say if ladies want the equality they should equally put it down as i equally put it up.. if enough fuss is about it.. im gonna put the whole seat down bahaha.

My ex used to pee sitting down so was never a problem. I think its quite gross cos pee splashed back. When i used the toilet instead of commode id always put loo seat down before flushing anyway cos the lityle particles would flu everywhere. I just think its gross. Urine wee wee n do do r just gross lol

i've been getting into sitting down more because i have to clean the toilet less. a plumber told me once that piss splashes can travel up to 7 feet and you probly never notice.

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(6 days after post)
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This conversation has gotten too weird and senseless. Gonna leave you kids to finish (flush) it.

last online: 01/25, 20:20
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Anonymous wrote:


What do you have against fresh water and air?


Why do you think government should be allowed to regulate it?

So a water company is required to be further accountable and have a standard of quality so it's harder for them to cut down the quality of drinking water for the sake of lower spending or cutting costs? So that we can have clean drinking water? For example maybe?

There's nothing wrong with regulations. There can be something wrong with over-reaching regulations.

But I'd rather everyone be watching the water company to make sure they do a good job so that we have clean drinking water. Is it weird to some people that some of us think it's okay to have some regulations that make sense?

I'm sorry but ****shit like that should be common sense to everyone...

WHY isn't it? o.O

Everything you say looks really good here. Good job.
.....that's not the way it is once you being unpacking the issue. Water and air are just examples (but let's use water as an example of examples).

Water company is a multinational trillion dollar a year corporation that actually uses government as a tool. Governments aren't in business to regulate commerce, they govern people. Whomsoever owns the government, regulates the people.
In several States, there are laws that prevent you from putting a water barrel (or anything of the such) under your rain gutters. You aren't allowed to "harvest" rainwater.
That very idea did not originate from "The People," nor did "Government" originally spawn the thought.
It was devised from the corporations to keep you from being self-sufficient in reducing the cost of watering your garden, fruit tress or grass lawn.
When the government favors the real masters they serve, they get monitary benefits at the chair level.....
....And when you do your research, who do you find in office? Usually the son or nephew of the president or CEO of that multinational corporation.
Thus, your "vegan garden" withers and you starve...or go to the grocery where you buy your goods from (that's right) another multinational corporation.

So, keep on believing that everyone is stupid and that "government" is the god of all solutions.

Good luck.

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(6 days after post)
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So who should regulate it then, fossil fuel lobbyists? What do you think we pay taxes for, if not to protect it's people?

last online: 01/25, 20:20
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jjlove01 wrote:
So who should regulate it then, fossil fuel lobbyists? What do you think we pay taxes for, if not to protect it's people?

That's an apple pie question.
Wholesome and fortified with vitamins.
Now, it's wake up time. You are taxed on income to weaken your financial position. Secondly, the money extorted from you IS NOT implemented for your benefit but for the benefit of the government and the international corporstions it serves.

You can't red-herring the question by asking if fossil fuel lobbiests should regulate it when my original statement opposes multinational corporations and government cabinets....

The question cannot be rightfully answered until a plethora of problems are genuinely solved regarding the bond between governments and corporations.

(1 week after post)
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im only mad about little peeves.. cant you be a bit peeved too?

Img 5499 photo full
(1 week after post)
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Anonymous wrote:

Jetmoo wrote:

NacthoMan wrote:
small steps.. pls .. no need to accumilate the peeves of everything in all the world itself.

to re-ignight the peeves..

one thing i cannot stand is .. no offense.. women requesting i should put the seat down.. i always say if ladies want the equality they should equally put it down as i equally put it up.. if enough fuss is about it.. im gonna put the whole seat down bahaha.

My ex used to pee sitting down so was never a problem. I think its quite gross cos pee splashed back. When i used the toilet instead of commode id always put loo seat down before flushing anyway cos the lityle particles would flu everywhere. I just think its gross. Urine wee wee n do do r just gross lol

i've been getting into sitting down more because i have to clean the toilet less. a plumber told me once that piss splashes can travel up to 7 feet and you probly never notice.

Oh i notice lol when the girls toilet light was oit at work we had to use the mens toilet and it STUNK!!!

Img 5499 photo full
(1 week after post)
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NacthoMan wrote:
im only mad about little peeves.. cant you be a bit peeved too?

Its really hard to be only a little bit peeved ๐Ÿ˜… too much going on in the world right now

05ad6afe 1f85 4c4a 8680 4f73a3c1f45c
last online: 08/10, 2:07
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(1 week after post)
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I randomly came across this song after forgetting about it for a while and it made me think of this post, purely in terms of a list of pet peeves most of which I agree with, even the bit about not liking it when people throw stuff out of their car lol.


(1 week after post)
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Lano wrote:
I randomly came across this song after forgetting about it for a while and it made me think of this post, purely in terms of a list of pet peeves most of which I agree with, even the bit about not liking it when people throw stuff out of their car lol.


ahahah i recall seeing that clip .. damn i can only recall but cant remember on my own for the life of me

(1 week after post)
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Jetmoo wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Jetmoo wrote:

[quote from NacthoMan]

My ex used to pee sitting down so was never a problem. I think its quite gross cos pee splashed back. When i used the toilet instead of commode id always put loo seat down before flushing anyway cos the lityle particles would flu everywhere. I just think its gross. Urine wee wee n do do r just gross lol

i've been getting into sitting down more because i have to clean the toilet less. a plumber told me once that piss splashes can travel up to 7 feet and you probly never notice.

Oh i notice lol when the girls toilet light was oit at work we had to use the mens toilet and it STUNK!!!

hands down the mens room do really stink.. not a fan of it.. i try to keep my bathrooms super clean.. bleached n all.. smelling like a indoor pool lol

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