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I am having an issue with… I don't even know.

I guess my confidence.
I have written a couple of books… and they are mediocre at best. I have tried writing others, but I can't seem to make the story in my mind get onto the paper… at least not how I see it in my mind.

What if the couple of mediocre stories I have done are my master's piece? What if they are the pinnacle of what I can do?

I want to get the stories onto the paper, but I don't want to write crap. I want what I do to be worthy of recognition. Not that I am looking for recognition, or even sales, but I want to be worthy of it.

I don't want my lot as an author to be defined simply by the fact that I have a published book. I want to be able to write a good story.

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write, story, worthy, paper, recognition
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would it hurt to take a writing course at your local community college? im sure it would jumpstart your creativity..

16935743 1750032141977429 1455532587 o
(4 days after post)
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NacthoMan wrote:
would it hurt to take a writing course at your local community college? im sure it would jumpstart your creativity..

I have thought about it. I am of two minds.

I have heard many horror stories about people who have taken writing courses only to be told to not write this or that, or that this kind of writing is not 'real writing,' etc.

But at the same time I want to be able to improve my writing.

Then of course there is the cost.

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BA1 wrote:
The important thing is to keep writing.

I will keep writing... At least I haven't stopped yet. And I have no plans to stop.

I just want to be able to get the picture out of my head and onto the paper.

(4 days after post)
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Padre_J_Roulston wrote:

NacthoMan wrote:
would it hurt to take a writing course at your local community college? im sure it would jumpstart your creativity..

I have thought about it. I am of two minds.

I have heard many horror stories about people who have taken writing courses only to be told to not write this or that, or that this kind of writing is not 'real writing,' etc.

But at the same time I want to be able to improve my writing.

Then of course there is the cost.

im sure theres a non-credited course which is by half the cost. up to you padre :) besides.. regardless of the horror stories.. might as well write up one (a horror story) j/k.. its your decision how you want to write nobody can tell you otherwise.

(1 week after post)
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I'd say join a writing group. Somewhere you have a few peers that just talk about writing in general. About things you're stuck on or struggling with. I'm sure there are free lectures from other authors you can listen to that would be similar to doing a college course.

Past that- I have to say, we are all our own worst critics. You'll always be able to see your mistakes and see where things aren't quite the way you want them. Somebody that doesn't know exactly what you WANTED to say can see what you DID say, and they will think you did so intentionally. They'll assume you're the expert and will assume your work is quality. Even other authors, as they probably suffer from the same thing.

Finally, when it comes to getting out what you want to say- that's always been a place I struggle as well. I tend to write and rewrite things time and time again. Edit over and over again, and I'm not even a writer!
Don't be afraid to come back later. Don't be afraid to rewrite what you had. Don't be afraid to delete it all! The story can still be there as history. Your characters might have done what you wrote in the past, and it never has to have physical words describing it because you, the author, know it happened even if you can't quite get it down. This can still affect the current events and allude to a mystery behind the story that readers can imaginatively fill in or give them food for thought that will leave them wondering each night.

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