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Im not having a good time.

I dont really want to go into more detail. Im hoping just saying it like this provides some sort of catharsis.

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time, hoping, sort, detail, catharsis
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(22 hours after post)
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Really sorry you are not having a good time..

Do hope this approach does work for you as you write, as a sort of catharsis. There are many ways to express even if words are not used. Are you artistic any chance? Painting, sculpting, or anything else, even if you turn cooking/baking into an art, can help to manage or release stress.

However, long term, usually the feelings/actions need to be addressed directly.. Hard to guess your situation.

Hope you will find the right support, and solution to your problem. x

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(1 day after post)
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Define "good time". Ideally that is. Not sunshine and lollipops but to you, L, what is a good time. And what obstacles are in the way to get to that ideological place?

(1 day after post)
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This, too, shall pass.

I hope you're back to good times soon.

(3 months after post)
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Me having a good time requires me to be 'living in the moment'. If I am dealing with myself well, I can deal with the hardest of circumstance. If I am not dealing with myself well even fair weather circumstances become very hard work.
It requires effort to live in the moment, something I am not always willing to put in!

(3 months after post)
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As Deadpool says, "Maximum effort."

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